Hands-on Elixir & OTP: Cryptocurrency Trading Bot (self-published)

Hands-on Elixir & OTP: Cryptocurrency Trading Bot
by Kamil Skowron

Want to learn Elixir & OTP by creating a real-world project?

With “Hands-on Elixir & OTP: Cryptocurrency trading bot”, you will gain hands-on experience by writing an exciting software project from scratch. We will explore all the key abstractions and essential principles through iterative implementation improvements.

We will start by creating a new umbrella application, subscribing to WebSocket streams, implementing a basic trading flow, and focusing on improving it by expanding on the topics like supervision trees, resiliency, refactoring using macros, utilising the Registry, testing and others.

Enjoy :heart:


is the youtube playlist different from the book? if same, which one is the latest?

Hey :wave:

The book is a tidied-up version of videos(which I can’t “fix” like the book) with a growing list of additional content.

In my opinion, the book is worth reading as it goes further into practical, functional programming and idiomatic Elixir where videos were cut short before that epiphany came to me (I learned a lot as I was writing the book[and still am], which impacted the latest chapters - made the code way way better)

Not to say that videos are not worth watching - they contain almost the same content as the beginning part of the book.

Whichever you choose, you will probably be able to, for example, watch videos and then skim through the book up to the moment where the videos stop.

Best of luck, and I hope you will enjoy it!