Hello Elixir World (Introductions thread)

Welcome to the community, @kalbir, @farazhaider and @sarat1669 :slight_smile:

I’m glad you’re here.

I’m sure the Elixir community would welcome any contributions to the infrastructure and deployment story, be it blog posts, libraries, etc. There is a lot of potential for improvement in that area.

As an “odds-and-ends-scripter,” I know the feeling all too well :slight_smile:

Cool! I don’t know much about blockchain myself, but I know there’s a sub-group of developers in the Elixir community who are into that. You might want to follow Anna Neyzberg for some leads.

Here is a relevant talk that she gave at ElixirConf US 2018:

There are many former Rubyists around here, so you’re in good company :slight_smile: