I am looking for some Elixir benchmarks that use structs. I would appreciate it if you could share some with me.
Why? I’m working on a project (my undergraduate thesis) whose goal is to improve the performance of the map lookup operation in BEAM. Now, I’m at a stage where I need to perform tests to analyze the behavior of the current BEAM implementation when using Elixir structs.
In Membrane, we use nested structs and (usually small) maps for element state, which is basically a GenServer state. There are rather no heavy loops over it, but we figured out that access to structs impacts performance significantly. So we replaced Elixir’s Access by macros that construct pattern matches in the compile time. That turned out to provide significant speedup in some of our benchmarks. Not sure if that’s what you’re looking for, but I guess speeding up structs/maps themselves could give Membrane another boost.
I think rebuilding Commanded’s aggregate from a lot of events (when there’s no snapshot) could be a good example of that.
We’re doing that in our company too. I can provide you with some test code and data or maybe even a Benchee script to run, if you want.
@stefanluptak that would be perfect! An Elixir script with Mix.install at the top that installs the required depsand then proceeds to aggregate would be perfect!
@mat-hek if that can be isolated, that would be perfect too! Especially knowing the code was a bottleneck in the past.
Here’s a thing that might help. I’ve been (experimenting) with XML parsing. One iteration I did was creating a Saxy handler that parses the XML into a struct, something like the following,
THEN we have a library called data_schema that queries into that representation to create a different struct from it. It does that by reducing through a schema and querying into the result from Saxy, so if you have large XML you’ll be doing lots and lots of Map.gets into the result of the Saxy handler to get the values for your new struct.