High quality public phoenix projects


I’m trying to level up my Elixir game and wanted to ask you for your favorite public phoenix projects in terms of code organization, quality of code, testing, coverage and docs.

As a bonus, can you tell us why do you this the particular project is great?



I don’t think these projects require an introduction, but - check out the source code of Livebook and Hexpm

There is also a smaller project by hexpm - diff

But to me usually Phoenix is just a “thin” web-layer in front of the core application. And for that part there are plenty of projects to look at the code examples… You could take any popular/battle tested library that you use a lot… that you know the entry point and the output - and look at its internals to see how it works… BTW, that’s another nice thing about libraries with well written docs - where you could easily jump to the source of the module or function =)


Or you can look at Bytepack .
It’s archived, but certainly a very good source of inspiration.

Or perhaps Changelog

  • bytepack
  • elixirstatus
  • plausible
  • changelog
  • hexpm

I have this repo in my bookmarks GitHub - pedromtavares/moba: A turn-based browser RPG built with Phoenix LiveView

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I m the maintainer of GitHub - papercups-io/papercups: Open-source live customer chat. We’re an open source live chat (intercom alternative). I think our quality needs some work tbh but a lot of our contributors come to us because we are very crud heavy so it tend to be a good starting point to check out Elixir code for your own projects.

We have over 1k real customers and users so if you want to see what an Elixir app looks like in production we are a good place to check out. Feel free to hop in our public Slack channel if you have any questions.


Thanks to everyone! I have a lot to work with here :slight_smile:

@RudManusachi But to me usually Phoenix is just a “thin” web-layer in front of the core application.

Yes, and I’m loving this aspect of the elixir ecosystem. I still need projects which use phoenix to see how it’s all connected together.

@RudManusachi BTW, that’s another nice thing about libraries with well written docs - where you could easily jump to the source of the module or function =)

Coming from the python ecosystem, the whole docs thing it’s amazing., it feels like it’s a first class citizen.

@Werner Or you can look at Bytepack

Interesting. I don’t get the full picture of what it does, but definitely looks well written.

@c4710n * bytepack, * elixirstatus, * plausible, * changelog, * hexpm


@Papercups We have over 1k real customers and users so if you want to see what an Elixir app looks like in production we are a good place to check out.

Awesome, I’m definitely gonna try it.

Keila is an open-souce Mailchimp alternative I’m developing and I aim to follow good coding practices with it. I’ve actually found myself referencing code from the project when explaining certain concepts to friends and I’ve occasionally even written tutorials on how certain parts of the code work.


this is great! I’m loving the Elixir ecosystem! I’m definitely checking this out

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I would like to mention BeaconCMS from DockYard.