How can I retrieve a relationated entity but also edit which fields to select?

I have a entity X that has_many of entity Y. I create a base query to retrieve X and then make a join to get Y and then in select I choose which fields I want from both X and Y, however this results in duplicated data.


from(x in X, as: :x)
|> join(:inner, [x], y in assoc(x, :y), as: :y)
|> select(%{
  id: as(:x).y,
  y: [%{
    id: as(:y)/id,
    status: as(:y).status


  %X{id: 1, y: [%Y{id: 1, status: "pending"}]},
  %X{id: 1, y: [%Y{id: 2, status: "canceled"}]},
  %X{id: 1, y: [%Y{id: 3, status: "running"}]},

I want tio achieve this result:

  %X{id: 1, y: [
    %Y{id: 1, status: "pending"},
    %Y{id: 2, status: "canceled"},
    %Y{id: 3, status: "running"}

how can I translate this to Ecto.Query? I tried to sue a subquery but I don’t know if it’s the best option

edit: misread

sorry, is something unclear?

I don’t think it’s possible to even get that from SQL

  id: as(:x).y,
  y: [%{
    id: as(:y)/id,
    status: as(:y).status

However, once you managed to get your data, then you can use Elixir to parse your results from your query and parse them as you wish.

BUT don’t believe. I let someone else to answer this.


I would also recommend this, but in case you really really need those SQL call to return exactly like that, i think possibly you could get it via combination of array_agg / json_agg fragment, wrapping query via subquery.

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