How can Kino be used to export a mermaid image in Livebook?

I have created a Livebook that pokes around a DNS zone, getting a list of subdomains, domain registration information, and records, particularly DMARC, SPF and DKIM records, to help quickly audit a domain’s health.

Once I generate this report, I would like to allow easy download of the report tables, as well as the Mermaid diagram presenting the information visually. Is there a way to use Kino to create a downloadable SVG, or even HTML page with the Mermaid SVG in it, to distribute to clients?

The repo with this Livebook in it is at GitHub - sachamasry/dns-zone-explorer: Elixir Livebook DNS zone exploration and auditing tool.

I appreciate any help anyone can offer!

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As far as I know, no—not without some work. The Mermaid renderer is client-side javascript, and the Kino cell implementation just sends its content straight to it without further interactivity/control. I think your options are to:

  1. Install the mermaid CLI onto the systems you are running livebook, shell out your diagrams to it, and download the result
  2. Implement your own custom JS-powered Kino, using Kino.Mermaid’s implementation as a starting point, and add download functionality to it
  3. Propose adding download functionality to the existing implementation in the issue tracker

If you do end up doing 2, definitely do 3 as well and submit a PR! I think it can be done entirely in the client, just by wrapping the SVG that gets rendered with a hover-state download button, that triggers a client-side download of the SVG in whatever format you had in mind.

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Thank you @christhekeele, I thought this would be the case. I don’t have enough time to do this right now, but as I think it is useful—the diagram has been generated already, after all—I plan to come back to it and do (2) and (3) as you pointed out.

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If you’re pressed for time, I’d definitely submit a feature request then—you never know if someone will get around to it before you can, but before you need it!

@devilray Here’s a quick and dirty implementation as a starting point: Comparing livebook-dev:main...christhekeele:downloadable-mermaid · livebook-dev/kino · GitHub

Thank you again @christhekeele, I’m looking at the solution now and will progress it over the coming few days. Sorry that I ended up causing you to start on this!

Not at all, I enjoyed it!

Submitted as a PR to Kino, with a download button, updated CSS, and caption support. If you want to give it a go, try using this in your livebook’s setup Mix.install:

{:kino, "~> 0.14.1", github: "christhekeele/kino", branch: "downloadable-mermaid"}
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@devilray It got approved and merged into main, you should get downloads on all your mermaid diagrams next release of Kino! (Or on {:kino, "~> 0.14.1", github: "livebook-dev/kino"} of course)

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Hi @christhekeele , I have been following the PR in Github and have seen that it was approved. This is amazing, and I thank you deeply for doing all this! Having this change will be very useful, as Mermaid diagrams are actually quite amazing and so versatile for all sorts of visualisations.

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