How clientside SSL works on nerveshub

I am trying to setup my device to connect to nerveshub. I managed to make it work the easy way, by providing a shared secret, but now I’m struggling to understand how to setup it properly using my own CA. After reading through Client-side SSL for devices, there are few strange things that don’t make sense to me:

The private keys associated with these certificates are never seen by NervesHub.

In the UI (org → certificates) I’ve uploaded 2 files:

  1. verificationCert.crt - which is a certificate I generated following the instructions with my own rootCA;
  2. rootCA.pem - the contents of this file is not entirely clear to me, it should contain the certificate chain? for example in my case if I have rootCA → verificationCert, what should this file contain? At the moment I have the self-signed certificate and the private key of rootCA in that pem file and it seems it was accepted, however from above statement, I don’t think private key belongs here.

Afterwards the instruction on the device setup says the following:

The signer CA must be included in the connection request alongside the NervesHub intermediate CAs.

This part is the most confusing, as I would expect the connection to web part of nerveshub to be using the letsencrypt certificate I use to serve https traffic. So then the question is, why do I need this intermediate CA be added on the device?

PS: I’ve never used similar services before, if you know where I can read better documentation on this, for example how AWS is doing this, that would be highly appreciated.

OK, if I understand this correctly, the intermediate chain is used by the server to validate the device certificate, I was thinking that it was used by the device for some reason. This still is a little bit strange, can’t this be done automatically, as we already have the CA added on the server?

The docs need to be updated. It really only is needed in the device settings on the first connection attempt if you’re using Just-In-Time-Provisioning (JITP) which will register the device in NervesHub automatically.

If the device record exists in NervesHub with the certificate already, then it isn’t needed since it does pinned cert lookup. Only the server cert like any other SSL server communication would be needed.


Thanks for the clarification!

How does the setup in this case looks like? I need to create a new device manually in the UI? What about the device certificate/key, do they need something special?

Edit: NVM I’ve found the section for key generation in the documentation: Devices | NervesHub

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