How come phoenix webframework website is built with Ruby on Rails?

I was visiting phoenix web framework website and I was shocked to see wappalyzer (Firefox Add-On) tell me that the website is built in Ruby on Rails. Do you guys realize this is not good for marketing the product? Just thought of sharing my concern and also see if there is a plan to build it in Phoenix.

Same for, it’s built with Ruby:

It’s possible they are using github pages, based on this header: x-github-request-id.


Yep I am pretty sure they are GH pages, hence marked @frigidcode’s post as the answer :023:

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No problem, I thought I checked it by mistake, that’s why I removed it at first :slight_smile: Hehe! It’s back now.

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So you’re saying that is built on phoenix? I still think that it should have been listed in wappalyzer. If that’s the case then maybe one day there should be an official communication with wappalyzer team to make sure that the phoenix/elixir technology is detected on websites.

I was just in contact with my developer friends and they told me they use these tools very frequently. So I am sure it will spark some curiosity if average dev surfers discover the websites are built with phoenix.

Have a look here :smiley:

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Just for the record, even a trello-like webapp built with phoenix was not detected:

So I guess Wappalyzer don’t detect phoenix yet.

As you can see, Elixir’s webpage uses Jekyll, chances are that Phoenix’s website uses it too.

IMHO there’s no point to build a static webpage using Phoenix or really any other web framework. A static site generator is good enough, also there are some wins, like more choices to host your site for free, better performance, etc. Nowadays even blogs are using Gatsby, Jekyll, Nuxt.js…


A bit unrelated, but this reminds me of an old story from the late 80s:


Oh, this brings back memories. Like that the windows 95 booting sound was created by Brian Eno… on a Macintosh. :blush:

But more to-the-point:

I agree with you; there is no need for yet another static site generator (and I also do not think that Elixir’s strong features make sense for ‘site generation’). On the other hand, I do wonder how serving the statically generated files using Elixir (with for instance Cowboy + Plug) with respect to another system (like Nginx). Now I do know that many people still run their Elixir behind Nginx for load-balancer (?) reasons and that systems like Nginx are built in plain C, but maybe we would still have some special benefits from Elixir here.


Do you guys realize this is not good for marketing the product?

Who cares?

Phoenix is built for high-availability, dynamic websites. The Phoenix documentation site is static. Literally opposite concerns.

Use the best tool for the job.


they do detect and show that its cowboy web framework and erlang programming language. At least for me I have seen that in an app I built plus other popular sites like unsplash

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Cowboy is reported as the server for the files served by fastly. So it’s the question is unsplash is actually using cowboy or if it’s just fastly doing so.

why not ? I don’t understand the question… even if it were with ruby, you have ton of possible answers:

  • they contracted a ruby guy cheaper than the elixir
  • elixir is not against ruby, only an evolution, so you can use old fashioned tools if you like
  • ruby is great
  • they bought a template in template monster in ruby, porting to elixir would cost money
  • why not? someone that works in Google can’t have an iPhone ? maybe someone in the team loves ruby
  • it’s only static files… (but that was the boring real answer…)

also reported as the web framework

You could write a static site in Cowboy Plug but you would have to recompile and redeploy the entire elixir app every time you changed the site file structure because you might be changing the routes. At least with nginx you just need to change a conf file and reboot; not even that if you have a simple site.

I guess this is partially compensated by the fact that Wappalyzer reports Erlang/Cowboy for :stuck_out_tongue: