Currently I am working on a (modular) project around access card and alarm coin management.
Basically I am following the principles in “Desiging Elixir Systems with OTP”, which seems a reasonable choice, regarding how and by whom the rest of the application parts is written.
That out of the way, my git repo now has the functional core project, a phoenix project and an (Ecto) persistence project as a “Poncho” project and deployed in a container.
Every layer, as per the book, will have it’s own tests and docs and I’m struggling a bit to find the right way to run the subproject’s tests and generators in a (Gitlab-)CI pipeline, as they are deployed in a single container. So, my best bet would be to trigger a shell script, that runs mix test --trace, mix coveralls.html and mix docs in every layer’s project and copies the results to some “artifact” dir, or split tests out into different containers (all layers for end-to-end and integration, persistence and core for DB, core only), before compiling them together in one.
But somehow both options feel not, as if they were the way it was meant to be done. Am I missing something there, or is Gitlab-CI just not the right tool for this task?
I think it would, somehow. What we do in an older project, consisting of just one Phoenix application is, firing up a docker-in-docker image, building the container and running a shell script for the test inside.
The mix test in our output is gathered from the CI runner per stdout, so there is a lot of “noise” from the application container setup, compiler, yarn etc. The coverage dir is gathered as an artifact.
os, in theory it shoul be possible to extend the command script in docker to cd to every dir, run test and pipe output to a file, create the docs and coverage and export all as single artifact pahs (or split docs and tests into two pipeline jobs, triggered by tags, which may make more sense.
Initially I thought, there might be some other “best practice”, as a real “umbrella app” does these things implicitly through the global mix file, as far as I understood. So I would just trigger the tests in, for example, the phoenix application and a mix tasks would consecutively run tests in the pulled-in core and persistence dependencies.
But you are completely right, as a simple approach that would surely work. It would just (maybe) lead to some more effort in filtering out unwanted log noise.
Overall the solution we have come up with is to create a proper execution environment with Docker.
From the codebase we’d build 2 containers — 1 for deployment (running an Elixir release, configured to listen on a specific port etc) and 1 for testing (containing source code, MIX_ENV=test, able to run mix test, mix dialyzer, etc).
Then we write a Docker Compose file to bring up associated services such as PostgreSQL. Then it is a simple matter of running the desired command on TeamCity
I think the key is to recognise that you can build more than 1 Docker container from the same project and that if you can keep things simple (so running mix test from the root of the umbrella project tests everything) the solution is also simple.
As to coveralls… it would seem that you actually have different kinds of tests — Unit Tests, Code Coverage Tests, etc. Don’t write any custom code to try and combine this into 1 test and 1 piece of output. Instead, leverage whatever CI/CD platform you have and run each kind of test separately.
You can probably create some kind of dependencies between the different types of tests/checks/builds as well. Again, this depends on what your CI/CD platform is capable of. I would recommend taking a few days to properly research your options.
@evadne Thank you, that helped a lot. I did some more research and came up with a working pipeline for Gitlab CI. This surely is not the most elegant way to do things, but works out quite well for the moment.
Given my 3 mix projects “stackgate_interface” Phoenix, REST interface) depends on “stackgate_engine” (functional core and business logic) depends on “stackgate_persistence” (all db or file-related operations) I now do the following:
Compile engine and persistence and distribute deps and _build as artifacts
Compile interface and distribute deps and _build as artifacts
Import artifacts and check with mix format and Credo
Import artifacts and create new artifacts from mix coveralls --trace for engine and persistence
Same for interface, but this check has to integrate some end-to-end test with curl or postman, when done. So we delay tests
Import all available artifacts and output docs side by side with coverage report as new (final) artifact and let all others expire.
(Planned job) Build the release per multistage container and, as a parallel job, push image to registry,
(Planned stage) Deploy to staging and to prod after manual verification, upload docs to knowledge base and coverage/trace to archive.
.elixir_default: &elixir_default
image: wyrdforge/elixir:1.11.1-alpine
- mix local.hex --force
- mix local.rebar --force
<<: *elixir_default
stage: create:deployment
needs: ["test:persistence", "test:engine", "test:interface", "compile:persistence", "compile:engine", "compile:interface"]
- cd stackgate_persistence
- mix docs --output ../stackgate_persistence/docs/
- cd ../stackgate_engine
- mix docs --output ../stackgate_engine/docs/
- cd ../stackgate_interface
- mix docs --output ../stackgate_interface/docs/
- compile:persistence
- compile:engine
- compile:interface
- test:engine
- test:persistence
- test:interface
- stackgate_engine/cover
- stackgate_persistence/cover
- stackgate_interface/cover
- stackgate_engine/docs
- stackgate_persistence/docs
- stackgate_interface/docs
<<: *elixir_default
stage: create:deployment
needs: ["test:persistence", "test:engine", "test:interface"]
MIX_ENV: prod
- echo "We will use a multistage Dockerfile for compiling a distillery release here and build the container for staging and production."
- echo "Automatic deployment to staging and manual deployment after revision to prod will follow later on in the 'deploy' stage."
dependencies: []
Attention: The job create:app_container must explicitly clear dependencies. This way, we omit all test/dev-debris in artifacts for this job and we can compile from scratch with MIX_ENV=prod.