How do I edit one or two field of record which is checked by ChangeSet?

Hello dear friends,
I am supposed to edit one field of record in ecto, but I need to check my record by ChangeSet, it should be noted , I need to check the field which I need to edit , not other field, not all of my fields . just one or two field that I need.

for example :

my fields :

field :full_name, :string
        field :email, :string
        field :password, :string, virtual: true
        field :name, :string, virtual: true
        field :lastname, :string, virtual: true
        field :password_hash, :string
        field :last_ip, :string
        field :group_acl, :string
        field :language, :string
        field :country, :string

I just decided to edit “:group_acl” , I did it

def get_user_by_id(id) do
	Repo.get!(UsersInfo, id)

def edit_user(id, map_params) do
	user = get_user_by_id(id)
	users = Ecto.Changeset.change(user , map_params)
	case Repo.update(users) do
		  {:ok, struct}       -> IO.inspect struct
		  {:error, changeset} -> IO.inspect changeset

and in my phoenix controller :

      def forget_password(conn, %{"id" => id , "group_acl" => group_acl}) do
            forget_passwords = case UsersInfoQuery.edit_user(id, %{group_acl: group_acl}) do
                  {:ok, _} ->
                        |> put_status(200)
                        |> json(%{message: "Your edit was successful."})
                  {:error, _} ->
                        |> put_status(403)
                        |> json(%{error_code: "403"})

it is edited successful, but I have errors in my terminal ( The condition is always correct, but my request is not valid) :

[error] #PID<0.687.0> running TrangellUsersServiceWeb.Endpoint terminated
Server: localhost:4021 (http)
Request: POST /api/users/forget-password
** (exit) an exception was raised:
    ** (CaseClauseError) no case clause matching: %TrangellUsersService.Login.Db.UsersInfo{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "usersinfo">, country: "Australia", email: "", full_name: "shahryar tavakkoli", group_acl: "999", id: "2c409b05-99d0-4f73-8dfe-fc3df9aa7c73", inserted_at: ~N[2018-03-27 08:13:33.380492], language: "fa", last_ip: "", lastname: nil, login_actions: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :login_actions is not loaded>, name: nil, password: nil, password_hash: "$2b$12$KqSpLbLkFvl6jw9D1QDR/uTw/NZPb4pdOf3XgfJfnbv9.Qi/bS6ki", profile_actions: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :profile_actions is not loaded>, token_actions: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :token_actions is not loaded>, updated_at: ~N[2018-04-02 20:59:51.986916]}
        (trangell_users_service_web) lib/trangell_users_service_web/controllers/login_controller.ex:178: TrangellUsersServiceWeb.LoginController.forget_password/2
        (trangell_users_service_web) lib/trangell_users_service_web/controllers/login_controller.ex:5: TrangellUsersServiceWeb.LoginController.action/2
        (trangell_users_service_web) lib/trangell_users_service_web/controllers/login_controller.ex:5: TrangellUsersServiceWeb.LoginController.phoenix_controller_pipeline/2
        (trangell_users_service_web) lib/trangell_users_service_web/endpoint.ex:1: TrangellUsersServiceWeb.Endpoint.instrument/4
        (phoenix) lib/phoenix/router.ex:278: Phoenix.Router.__call__/1
        (trangell_users_service_web) lib/trangell_users_service_web/endpoint.ex:1: TrangellUsersServiceWeb.Endpoint.plug_builder_call/2
        (trangell_users_service_web) lib/plug/debugger.ex:99: TrangellUsersServiceWeb.Endpoint."call (overridable 3)"/2
        (trangell_users_service_web) lib/trangell_users_service_web/endpoint.ex:1:
        (plug) lib/plug/adapters/cowboy/handler.ex:15: Plug.Adapters.Cowboy.Handler.upgrade/4
        (cowboy) /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/elixir-ex-source/Trangell_Main/trangell_users_service_umbrella/deps/cowboy/src/cowboy_protocol.erl:442: :cowboy_protocol.execute/4

just the field which i need validation :

    def changeset(struct, params \\ %{}) do
        |> cast(params, [:full_name, :lastname, :name, :email, :password, :last_ip, :group_acl, :language, :country, :password_hash])
        |> validate_required([:name, :lastname, :email, :password, :last_ip, :group_acl,:language, :country])
        |> validate_length(:group_acl, max: 50)
        |> validate_inclusion(:group_acl, ["actived", "unactived", "blocked", "registered"])

IO.inspect will return whatever input is passed to it, in this case will the either the struct or the changeset that you’re inspecting, but then on the case function that calls the changeset you only have tuple matches. If you just do inspect and after that return {:ok, struct}, or {:error, changeset} it should work fine

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Thank you the error message solved, but my conditional codes works in both ways if it is true or false, please see |> validate_inclusion(:group_acl, ["actived", "unactived", "blocked", "registered"])

but my request :

Hi is not in the list ["actived", "unactived", "blocked", "registered"], but my code is updated.

You’re inserting the changes directly with Ecto.Changeset.change , if you want to use the changeset you’ve defined you need to call YourModule.changeset…

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forget_passwords = case UsersInfoQuery.edit_user(id, %{group_acl: group_acl}) do
                  {:ok, _} ->
                        |> put_status(200)
                        |> json(%{message: "Your edit was successful."})
                  {:error, _} ->
                        |> put_status(403)
                        |> json(%{error_code: "403"})

UsersInfoQuery.edit_user/2 is not returning what you’re expecting, so it’s raising an exception. Add a final match, something like other -> IO.inspect(other) to see what it’s giving you and change the case accordingly.

Here’s an example of how to debug:

forget_passwords = case UsersInfoQuery.edit_user(id, %{group_acl: group_acl}) do
                  {:ok, _} ->
                        |> put_status(200)
                        |> json(%{message: "Your edit was successful."})
                  {:error, _} ->
                        |> put_status(403)
                        |> json(%{error_code: "403"})
                  other ->
                        conn |> put_status(403) |> json(%{error_code: "403"})

I have checked by YourModule.changeset like this changeset = UsersInfo.changeset(%UsersInfo{}, params) , but it check all conditions not the field concerned only.

But where are you placing the changes on the model?

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like this :

def edit_user(id, map_params) do
		|> UsersInfo.changeset(map_params)
		|> Repo.update

I input the field concerned like this edit_user(2, %{group_acl: "actived"})

Your controller’s action should return connection not the UserInfo struct.

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Please , Can you take an example? I don’t understand what you say.

In other words the last expression in your controller’s action is forget_passwords which causes the error. In Phoenix it is expected that controller’s functions return conn structs, so

|> put_status(200)
|> json(%{message: "Your edit was successful."})`Preformatted text`

is enough. You shouldn’t return anything after that.

def forget_password(conn, %{"id" => id , "group_acl" => group_acl}) do
        forget_passwords = case UsersInfoQuery.edit_user(id, %{group_acl: group_acl}) do
              {:ok, _} ->
                    |> put_status(200)
                    |> json(%{message: "Your edit was successful."})
              {:error, _} ->
                    |> put_status(403)
                    |> json(%{error_code: "403"})
        forget_passwords # <------ that causes the error
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Although redundant that’s not gonna cause an error, as forget_passwords will be the last evaluated expression from the case, which will be valid.


def edit_user(id, map_params) do
	user = get_user_by_id(id)
	users = Ecto.Changeset.change(user , map_params) ################## This is not == to Yourmodel.changeset 
	case Repo.update(users) do
		  {:ok, struct}       -> IO.inspect struct
		  {:error, changeset} -> IO.inspect changeset
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Password is an example , it may the field name or email

That makes it exactly invalid :slight_smile:

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It’s only as invalid as you want it to be!

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Ooh, I think you didn’t understand what I said, I am sorry I didn’t explain you frankly, Because I’m weak in English.

please see my changeset validation

 |> validate_inclusion(:group_acl, ["actived", "unactived", "blocked", "registered"])

then I sent an invalid request .

  "group_acl": "Hi",
  "id": "2c409b05-99d0-4f73-8dfe-fc3df9aa7c73"

my db was updated to “Hi”, but it should not be updated.

how do I fix this ?

So, if you want to change just one field you can have separate changeset function, e.g.:

def update_acl_changeset(struct, params \\ %{}) do
    |> cast(params, [:group_acl])
    |> validate_required([ :group_acl])
    |> validate_inclusion(:group_acl, ["actived", "unactived", "blocked", "registered"])

if you use your original changeset function you will have to fulfil another validations as well (for example relating to name, email and so on).

Then your edit function:

def edit_user(id, params) do
    user = get_user_by_id(id)
    changes = YourSchemaModule.update_acl_changeset(user , params)

and the controller function:

def forget_password(conn, %{"id" => id , "group_acl" => group_acl} = params) do
        case UsersInfoQuery.edit_user(id, params) do
              {:ok, _} ->
                    |> put_status(200)
                    |> json(%{message: "Your edit was successful."})
              {:error, _} ->
                    |> put_status(403)
                    |> json(%{error_code: "403"})
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