How do i use `arrayFilters` in mongoDB with phoenix elixir project?

I have a collection like below.

"userId" : ObjectId("5c666338421aa9791982f367")
"attendance" : [
			"attendanceTakenAt" : "2019-02-19T06:26:25.423000Z",
			"day" : 19,
			"hour" : 6,
			"minute" : 26,
			"month" : 2,
			"morningAttendance" : true,
			"period" : "morning",
			"seconds" : 25,
			"year" : 2019
			"afternoonAttendance" : true,
			"attendanceTakenAt" : "2019-02-19T07:00:31.019000Z",
			"day" : 19,
			"hour" : 7,
			"minute" : 0,
			"month" : 2,
			"period" : "afternoon",
			"seconds" : 31,
			"year" : 2019
			"afternoonAttendance" : false,
			"attendanceTakenAt" : "2019-02-19T09:09:04.960000Z",
			"day" : 20,
			"hour" : 9,
			"minute" : 9,
			"month" : 2,
			"period" : "afternoon",
			"seconds" : 4,
			"year" : 2019
			"attendanceTakenAt" : "2019-03-01T06:24:41.474000Z",
			"day" : 1,
			"hour" : 6,
			"minute" : 24,
			"month" : 3,
			"morningAttendance" : true,
			"period" : "morning",
			"seconds" : 41,
			"year" : 2019
			"afternoonAttendance" : true,
			"attendanceTakenAt" : "2019-03-01T06:52:53.447000Z",
			"day" : 1,
			"hour" : 6,
			"minute" : 52,
			"month" : 3,
			"period" : "afternoon",
			"seconds" : 53,
			"year" : 2019
			"afternoonAttendance" : true,
			"attendanceTakenAt" : "2019-03-07T06:58:04.483000Z",
			"day" : 7,
			"hour" : 6,
			"minute" : 58,
			"month" : 3,
			"period" : "afternoon",
			"seconds" : 4,
			"year" : 2019

Now i need to update "afternoonAttendance": false for "": 7. I tried using arrayFilters like below in mongo.

db.student_database.update({userId: ObjectId("5c666338421aa9791982f367"), rollNumber: "100"}, { $set: { "attendance.$[elem].afternoonAttendance" : false } }, {multi: true, arrayFilters: [ {"": 7, "elem.month": 3, "elem.year": 2019, "elem.period": "afternoon"} ] })

Above query works fine in MongoDB interface. but, I am not gettiing to use this query in phoenix elixir project. I am trying like below in elixir project.

filter = %{
          "userId" => ObjectId("5c666338421aa9791982f367"),
          "rollNumber" => "100"

update = %{
          "$set" => %{
            "attendance.$[elem].afternoonAttendance" => false

options = %{
          "arrayFilters" => [%{ "" => 7, "elem.month" => 3, "elem.year" => 2019, "elem.period" => "afternoon" }]

Mongo.update_many(:mongo, "db_collection", filter, update, options)

Which is getting error. Please help me how to update in elixir project.

Can you post the error that you are getting?

From a quick glance your options variable is a map. If you look at the documentation for update_many/5, the options are meant to be a keyword list. But without seeing the error you are getting, it is impossible for me to know if this was the issue you are bumping up against.