How does Phoenix log the LiveView interactions?

I’ve just created a project with the Phoenix 1.7 RC2 version and noticed that when I navigate through the LiveViews, the development logger shows this kind of output:

↳ DevAppWeb.UserLive.Index.mount/3, at: lib/dev_app_web/live/user_live/index.ex:9
↳ DevAppWeb.UserLive.Index.apply_action/3, at: lib/dev_app_web/live/user_live/index.ex:20
↳ DevAppWeb.UserLive.Index.mount/3, at: lib/dev_app_web/live/user_live/index.ex:9

I’m updating an existing application to the same Phoenix 1.7 RC2 but I don’t get this kind of logging so I’m interested in knowing how that is done. I’ve checked the logger configuration but cannot find anything that seems to be related to this.

It’s a setting on ecto repo: stacktrace: true.

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Oh thanks! That’s good to know. Apparently this new option was added in Ecto 3.8.0