How to call function based on optional keyword list key?

I hope I describe the problem correctly

In a phoenix changeset I want to use a function “set_area_of_residence_type/1”

    |> cast(params, [(... some stuff), :country, :area_of_residence_type, :area_of_residence])
    |> validate_required([ :country, :area_of_residence])
    |> validate_inclusion(:country, country_codes)
    |> set_area_of_residence_type()

Where country codes is just a list of country codes

[“ZW”, “ZM”, “ZA”, “YT”, “YE”, “WS”, “WF”, “VU”, “VN”, “VI”, “VG”, “VE”, “VC”,
“VA”, “UZ”, “UY”, “US”, “UM”, “UG”, “UA”, “TZ”, “TW”, “TV”, “TT”, “TR”, “TO”,
“TN”, “TM”, “TL”, “TK”, “TJ”, “TH”, “TG”, “TF”, “TD”, “TC”, “SZ”, “SY”, “SX”,
“SV”, “ST”, “SS”, “SR”, “SO”, “SN”, “SM”, “SL”, “SK”, “SJ”, “SI”, …]

I call various functions with pattern matching

def set_area_of_residence_type(changeset = %Ecto.Changeset{ changes: %{country: "ZW"}})  do
    #do stuff

But I want to call a function when it matches

def set_area_of_residence_type(changeset = %Ecto.Changeset{ errors: [countries: _ ]})  do
    #do stuff

This pattern match doesn’t work. As soon as there are other errors in the errors list the match fails. The docs mention this.

Then I tried to do it with guards.

def set_area_of_residence_type(changeset) when :country in changeset.errors do

but this gives compilation error

** (ArgumentError) invalid args for operator “in”, it expects a compile-time list or compile-time range on the right side when used in guard expressions, got: changeset.errors()

Then I tried with macros. Macros are impossible to understand for me so far so I am not sure if this is correct

defmodule MySite.Models.Guards do
  defmacro has_country_error(changeset) do
    quote do
      Keyword.has_key?(unquote(changeset)[:errors], :country)

and in my model file

def set_area_of_residence_type(changeset) when has_country_error(changeset) do

Now I get a new compilation error

** (CompileError) web/models/user_profile.ex:69: cannot invoke remote function Access.get/2 inside guard

Is there any way to achieve what I want?

I guess I could check with an if inside a function for the existence of :countries inside the errors list and then call the appropriate function with the appropriate name but where is the fun in that?

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Sooo. The sad response is: there is no way to match a single value of a keyword list, so pattern matching on the params is not possible.

Now, let’s go to your other attempts. The first guard clause you checked if the value :country was inside the changeset.errors, and changeset.errors is a keyword lists, which means it follows this pattern [{:country, "value1"}, {:area_of_residence, "value2"}], which is syntax sugared to [country: "value1", area_of_residence: "value2"]. If you want to match one of the keys, you should try :country in Keyword.keys(changeset.errors).

Well, unfortunately, that will not work on the guard clause when too. For the same reason your second attempt didn’t: there is a limited number of expressions that are allowed in guard clauses, check the list here.

So, the easiest solution you have for now is the if inside the function. I was really struggling to discover another way to do it, but couldn’t. Sorry :confused:

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@josevalim about this situation: is there any reason to Ecto.Changeset.errors be a keyword list and not a map? Just wondering. :slight_smile:

It is older than maps at least. ^.^

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LoL. Didn’t know that maps are new to Elixir core, or that Ecto was so old. LoL…

So, do you think is there a reason to stay as it is, and not turn it into a map?

Thank you for the effort. I was hoping for a solution with macros or at least a way to invoke functions against guard. It seems it can’t be done.

I found a blog post today (unfortunately I didn’t save the link) that explained why we can’t run arbitrary functions in guard clauses. The reason is that it can’t be guaranteed the arbitrary function will have no side effects.

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Yes, there is no way to do it. The amount of expressions allowed in guards are limited.

Backwards compatibility is the main reason at this point. Keep in mind the current :errors may have duplicate keys to signal different errors on the same field. So if we wanted to use maps, we would need to change the structure from key => value to key => [value] to support multiple errors on the same key which would be a breaking change.


Yep, I was thinking about it, and I guess you’re right. Thank you :slight_smile: