How to close modal

I don’t know how to close a form that is opened in a Modal. How do I do that?

Here is a spike test example that opens a modal:

defmodule AppWeb.SandboxLive do
   use AppWeb, :live_view  
   def mount(_params, _session, socket)  do
	 {:ok, assign(socket, greeting: "Hello World")}  

   def handle_event("open-modal", params, socket)do  
       IO.inspect "We are the world"
      {:noreply, socket}


   def handle_event("submit-modal-form", params, socket) do 
          IO.inspect params
            {:noreply, socket}

   def render(assigns) do

	  <.modal id={"modal-id"}>

		<%= assigns.greeting %>

		<form phx-submit ={"submit-modal-form"}>
         <input type="text" /> 
         <input type = "submit"/>



	<button phx-click = {show_modal("modal-id")}>CLICK to Open Modal</button>


The documentation is linked below and it looks like it explains how to do this, but I don’t understand it.
Documentation isn’t clear.

I tried to hodgepodge their code with mine to create a working example.

defmodule AppWeb.SandboxLive do
   use AppWeb, :live_view  
   def mount(_params, _session, socket)  do
	 {:ok, assign(socket, greeting: "Hello World")}  

   def handle_event("open-modal", params, socket)do  
       IO.inspect "We are the world"
      {:noreply, socket}


   def handle_event("submit-modal-form", params, socket) do 
          IO.inspect params
            {:noreply, socket}

	def hide_modal(js \\ %JS{}, selector) do
	  |> JS.push("modal-closed")
	  |> JS.remove_class("show", to: selector, transition: "fade-out")

   def render(assigns) do

	  <.modal id={"modal-id"}>

		<%= assigns.greeting %>

		<form phx-submit ={"submit-modal-form"}>
         <input type="text" /> 
         <input type = "submit" phx-click={hide_modal("#modal")}/>



	<button phx-click = {show_modal("modal-id")}>CLICK to Open Modal</button>


I get an error that says


lib/app_web/live/sandbox.ex:18: imported AppWeb.CoreComponents.hide_modal/1 conflicts with local function

Console output is shown below.

Compiling 1 file (.ex) == Compilation error in file lib/app_web/live/sandbox.ex == ** (CompileError) lib/app_web/live/sandbox.ex:18: imported AppWeb.CoreComponents.hide_modal/1 conflicts with local function

I don’t know what that means

This thread might be helpful:

For anyone searching for this.

This seems to work:


	   <.modal id={"modal-id"}>

		   <%= assigns.greeting %>

			<form phx-submit ={"submit-modal-form"}>
	         <input type="text" /> 
	         <input phx-click={JS.navigate(~p"/")}  type = "submit" />


I’m sorry I didn’t realize you were OP. You are saving lots of future work for others I’m sure.

The compile error is saying that the AppWeb.CoreComponents.hide_modal/1 conflicts with the hide_modal/1 function that you’ve defined in the AppWeb.SandboxLive module. The call to use AppWeb, :live_view at the top of the AppWeb.SandboxLive module will import all the functions from the AppWeb.CoreComponents module into your module, and since both modules implement a function with the same name and same number of arguments, this creates a compiler error.

You can either remove your hide_modal/1 function from the AppWeb.SandboxLive module, or rename the function, in order to make the code compile again. And then you should be able to hide your modal with the AppWeb.CoreComponents.hide_modal/1 function with code like this:

  def render(assigns) do
    <.modal id={"modal-id"}>
      <%= assigns.greeting %>
      <form phx-submit ={"submit-modal-form"}>
        <input type="text" /> 
        <input type = "submit" phx-click={hide_modal("modal-id")}/>

    <button phx-click = {show_modal("modal-id")}>CLICK to Open Modal</button>
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Whoops, sorry deleting this reply – I meant to reply to the thread :slight_smile:

Here’s how to close a CoreComponent modal from server side:

Say for example we have this modal:

<.modal id="some-modal-id">Some text</.modal>

Notice the phx-remove attr in the default CoreComponents modal:

def modal(assigns) do
    phx-mounted={@show && show_modal(@id)}
    phx-remove={hide_modal(@id)} <-- **this is what we want to trigger**
    data-cancel={JS.exec(@on_cancel, "phx-remove")}

To trigger that phx-remove attr/command to close the modal from the server (e.g. in handle_event/3), we can use push_event/3.

Add this window event listener to your app.js (which allows triggering a JS command from the server side):

window.addEventListener("phx:js-exec", ({detail}) => {
  document.querySelectorAll( => {
      liveSocket.execJS(el, el.getAttribute(detail.attr))


Finally, use push_event/3 from the server like so:

def handle_event("close-modal", _, socket) do
    push_event(socket, "js-exec", %{
      to: "#some-modal-id",
      attr: "phx-remove"

This will run that client side event listener which then triggers the phx-remove on the modal.


Perfect, thanks!