defmodule KayaanPrintsWeb.Router.AdminRouter do
use KayaanPrintsWeb, :router
pipeline :api do
plug :accepts, ["json"]
plug :fetch_session
scope "/v1" do
pipe_through :api
scope "/", KayaanPrintsWeb do
get "/", DefaultController, :index
forward "/medias/", Router.MediaRouter
forward "/products/", Router.ProductRouter
forward "/collections/", Router.CollectionRouter
This is the admin router which forwards requests to other routers. I want to create documentation for all of the endpoints of these 3 routers on a single page. so I have defined this module:
defmodule KayaanPrintsWeb.SuperAdminApiSpec do
alias OpenApiSpex.{Components, Contact, Info, OpenApi, Paths, Server, SecurityScheme}
alias KayaanPrintsWeb.Endpoint
alias KayaanPrintsWeb.Router.AdminRouter
@behaviour OpenApi
@impl OpenApi
def spec do
components: %Components{
securitySchemes: %{
"authorization" => %SecurityScheme{
type: "http",
scheme: "bearer",
bearerFormat: "JWT"
servers: [
info: %Info{
title: "Kayaan Prints Super Admin API",
description: "API documentation for Kayaan Prints Super Admin Management",
contact: %Contact{
name: "name",
email: "email"
version: to_string(Application.spec(:kayaan_prints, :vsn))
paths: merge_paths(AdminRouter)
|> OpenApiSpex.resolve_schema_modules()
And I have defined the super-admin router which contains the endpoint for swaggerui. Now when I open the swaggerui page, it says: No operations defined in spec!. So it’s not working for forwarded endpoints.
Then, I tried merging the paths of all the 3 routers like this:
paths: merge_paths([ProductRouter, MediaRouter, CollectionRouter])
defp merge_paths(routers) do
|> Enum.flat_map(& &1.__routes__())
|> Paths.from_routes()
now it’s overwriting the operations with the same name. for example, ProductController and MediaController contains index function and hence :index operation. So the index operation from product controller will be overwritten by the index operation from the media controller. and at the end I get doc for only 5 endpoints out of many. Furthermore, they do not contain the correct endpoint prefix as seen in the image I have attached.
So is there any ideal way of listing all the endpoints from multiple routers altogether?