How to comment values in config.exs with new formatter

So I ran the new 1.6 formatter on my code. It’s super fast! :open_mouth:

I ran into a problem with commenting my config values, though. My code looks like this:

config :code_stats,

  # Set to true if site is in beta mode. This shows a big banner to users
  # that announces the fact.
  beta_mode: false,

  # Address to send email from in the form of {"Name", "address@domain.example"}
  email_from: {"Code::Stats", "address@domain.example"},

So as you can see, I have commented all the settings. When I run the formatter, it moves all comments to begin before the config :code_stats line so they don’t match up anymore. How can I make them stay in their places? Here’s an example of the formatter output:

# Set to true if site is in beta mode. This shows a big banner to users
# that announces the fact.
# Address to send email from in the form of {"Name", "address@domain.example"}
config :code_stats,
  beta_mode: false,
  email_from: {"Code::Stats", "address@domain.example"},

I filed an issue for this on José’s suggestion: