Has anyone configured inets
default profile (to use a proxy) on startup?
I am using the new relic elixir agent dependency and :inets
is started by that (as part of extra applications in that project). My primary aim is to have the :httpc
client used by the new relic agent, connect via a proxy (that exists in my company’s production environment) when connecting to the new relic servers.
I tried following the example in the inets user guide which said to add this to the configuration: [{inets, [{services, [{httpc, PropertyList}]}]}]
I translated that to
config :inets, services: [ httpc: [ proxy: {{'http://proxy.com', 1234}, []} ] ]
But that doesnt work.
{:ok, [ proxy: {:undefined, []}, https_proxy: {:undefined, []}, pipeline_timeout: 0, max_pipeline_length: 2,...
Please do correct me if I’m approaching this the wrong way, folks.