How to convert a stream back to a string?


Let’s assume I have a string, which I need to convert to a stream, process and then return the processed result as a string to be printed.

The following 1 liner ( ready to copy and paste into iex) exemplifies this:

fun = fn str -> str |> |> (fn { :ok, stream } -> stream end).() |> Stream.filter( fn c -> c == "e" end) |> to_string() end

The more readable version:

fun = fn str -> 
    |> (fn { :ok, stream } -> stream end).() 
    |> Stream.filter( fn c -> c == "e" end) 
    |> to_string() 

There are several ways to improve this code snippet, but my focus right now is just to make it work.

This is supposed to only return the characters that are equal to ‘e’ in a given string. Example:

fun.("hello") # "e"


The problem here is that the last step of the pipeline blows up to_string() doesn’t seem to be compatible with the stream protocol, even though I am transforming a string from the start.


How can I convert a stream to a string ?

Surely you want to put it into a string: unless I’m misreading this code I dont understand how you can do what you’re trying to do in any language, not just Elixir*? The stream is a different type of thing entirely - to_string is going to attempt to convert a representation of a stream into a string and explode, you need to tell it exactly what you want to do with that representation, which you aren’t currently doing

* eg if you had some other language with streams that is more lax, say like JS (Node), and you applied toString, you’ll just get a [probably garbage] representation of the current state of the object being used

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You’d get a list of bytes, which are chars.

So, how to I put this Stream into a string to show ? Keep in mind that this Stream was originally a string to begin with !

You need to pipe the stream into the thing you want, to_string is just going to try to give you a string representation of the stream itself, which isn’t really logical

What I mean is that it should make no difference what the input is: what you seem to be saying is that you’re expecting to_string functions (again in any language) to do too much - in this case to be able to infer via a set of piped calls that you haven’t done anything to that original string (converted it to a set of function calls for example, or maps, or structs or whatever).

Or you get [Object object]

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iex(1)> open = fn str -> {:ok, pid} =; pid end
#Function<6.127694169/1 in :erl_eval.expr/5>
iex(2)> "eabcdefge" |> open.() |> IO.binstream(1) |> Stream.filter(&(&1=="e"))|> Enum.join("")
  • doesn’t create a stream - it creates an IO device. That is essentially a process that “speaks” the Erlang IO protocol. So what is returned is a process identifier of that process.
  • IO.binstream/2 “talks” to that process and turns the data into a stream. IO.binstream(pid,1) streams 1 byte at a time.
  • Stream.filter(&(&1=="e")) gets to inspect each byte (rather than a grapheme) as a bitstring (strings are binaries. A binary is always a bitstring but not all bitstrings are binaries).
  • Enum.join("") pulls the data through the stream and joins all the strings. Enum.into/2 works because Collectable is implemented for: BitString.

An array of objects? Or is that a list of objects? Elixir doesn’t have objects regardless though.

But overall streams are functions, they perform actions on a restricted set at a time, just need to convert it to a reified list of something stringable then join them, like iodata is what I’d recommend. :slight_smile:

iex(1)> fun = fn str ->
...(1)>   {:ok, pid} =
...(1)>   pid
...(1)>   |> IO.binstream(1)
...(1)>   |> Stream.filter(&(&1=="e"))
...(1)>   |> Enum.to_list()
...(1)>   |> IO.iodata_to_binary()
...(1)> end
#Function<6.127694169/1 in :erl_eval.expr/5>
iex(2)> fun.("eabcdefge")



[Object object] is an example of what you’d get in javascript when a variable is silently coerced into a string.

For example:

var obj = new Object();
alert(obj); // Prints "[object Object]"

Which can sometimes cause surprising behaviors:

var hash = {};
hash[{a: 1}] = 42;
console.log(hash); // Prints {"[object Object]": 42}

Only surprising if you treat JS Objects as Maps:

Objects and maps compared:

> const key = {a: 1};
> const val = 42;
> let hash = new Map([[key,val]]);
> console.log(hash);
Map(1) {{…} => 42}
> console.log(hash.get(key));
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I’m not sure javascript is a good example of string coercion though. ^.^
Run this in the browser console for example:



Yes? But objects are not maps, and people that treat them as such invariable see broken stuff like that, in addition to much slower code due to megaphormic calls. Use a Map in JS instead.

I used JS as an example because most of the time it won’t blow up even if the attempted coercion is not really sane :wink: (I wouldn’t really say trying to convert a stream directly to a string [vs piping a stream into the thing required] is sane for aforementioned reasons)

Though… in any ‘sane’ language I’d argue that nonesensical coercions like that shouldn’t even compile at all. :wink:

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