Hello friends, I have a blog section in my website that use NimblePublisher
and get data from .md
Also, I have a series of components that are stateless Phoenix components.
For example, a series of components related to typography
What I need to implement?
If you use <.link navigate="/">Home</.link>
in your heex
, it converted to something like this
<a href="/" data-phx-link="redirect" data-phx-link-state="push">
No I need to convert my phoenix component to html in NimblePublisher parser
For example I get this code from kobrakai_elixir
# I got this code from: https://github.com/LostKobrakai/kobrakai_elixir
def parse(_path, contents) do
["---\n" <> yaml, body] =
|> String.replace("\r\n", "\n")
|> :binary.split(["\n---\n"])
{:ok, attrs} = YamlElixir.read_from_string(yaml)
attrs = Map.new(attrs, fn {k, v} -> {String.to_atom(k), v} end)
attrs =
case :binary.split(body, ["\n<!-- excerpt -->\n"]) do
[excerpt | [_ | _]] -> Map.put(attrs, :excerpt, String.trim(excerpt))
_ -> attrs
# `body` should be changed before save in a module
{attrs, body}
I think this is the place I need to convert body to compiled html version (for onetime).
I got help from Slack, but I was not successful to implement this
The suggestions from the friends, which some has error from me that I could not fix
This is the code from here (elixir forum) but how can converted to html not using inside heex
source = "<.link navigate=\"/\">Hi</.link navigate=\"/\">\n"
{result, _result_binding} =
EEx.compile_string(source, engine: Phoenix.LiveView.Engine, caller: __ENV__, source: source)
|> Code.eval_quoted(assigns: %{})
Or this code which I think need to have __CALER__
, ( I have error from this code)
engine: Phoenix.LiveView.TagEngine,
tag_handler: Phoenix.LiveView.HTMLEngine,
caller: MishkaWeb.Components.CustomContent,
Or Other code
options = [
engine: Phoenix.LiveView.TagEngine,
file: __CALLER__.file,
line: __CALLER__.line + 1,
caller: __CALLER__,
indentation: meta[:indentation] || 0,
source: expr,
tag_handler: Phoenix.LiveView.HTMLEngine
EEx.compile_string(expr, options)
OR this code i am forced to put .
before the component name
engine: Phoenix.LiveView.Engine,
caller: __ENV__,
|> Code.eval_quoted(assigns: %{})
So if these work, but these are no compiled html
, and returns structs, so how can have compiled html before saving in module
Thank you in advance