We have an app the keeps running. This is a OTP application that has other OTP applications as dependencies. It uses GenServers and Supervisors as do many of its dependencies.
The app doesn’t crash, but it constantly prints the following error:
=ERROR REPORT==== 14-Jun-2019::14:31:35.089496 ===
Unexpected message: {#Ref<0.2607974300.3493068808.175359>,badarg}
Actions taken
To find out where the issue could be comming from we added the following code to every GenServer and Supervisor we could find (even going into the deps folders and adding it there as well):
def handle_info(msg, state) do
Logger.error("Unhandled message -> module: #{__MODULE__}, msg: #{inspect msg}, state: #{inspect state}")
{:noreply, state}
The idea here is to identify which module is having issues so we can fix it. However, nothing we do seems to be revealing the issue. The message keeps appearing.
A few weeks ago @sasajuric posted a talk named The soul of erlang and elixir . The talk was interesting but what truly astonished me was the ease with which he could find critical pieces of code from just a pid or a reference.
I was wondering if someone could help me implement his strategies so we can find out where this error is coming from. This reference must be useful for something after all. I just don’t know how to use it.
Given this information, how can I find out which module has the failing code?