How to do a macro that return another macro?

Hello ^^, I’m creating a API with Absinthe, I’m having many arguments that are being duplicated again and again, so I would like to implement a macro that calls that argument that they have all in common, for example change this:

    field :person, :person do
      arg(:slug, non_null(:string))

        description: "A large description",
        default_value: :en

    field :company, :company do
      arg(:slug, non_null(:string))

        description: "A large description",
        default_value: :en

to something like this:

    field :person, :person do
      arg(:slug, non_null(:string))


    field :company, :company do
      arg(:slug, non_null(:string))


So the get_language_argument(), return the arg macro, is that possible?

Greetings ^^/

Have you tried it?

defmacro get_language_argument do
    description: "A large description",
    default_value: :en

Should just work… But why do you need a macro? Why not just a function for get_language_argument?

Yeah I already tried it, but I get a compilation error

** (Absinthe.Schema.Notation.Error) Invalid schema notation: `arg` must only be used within `directive`, `field`
    lib/absinthe/schema/notation.ex:1463: Absinthe.Schema.Notation.do_recordable!/4
    expanding macro: Absinthe.Schema.Notation.arg/3
    lib/okami/schema.ex:176: Okami.Schema.get_language_argument/0
    (elixir) lib/kernel/parallel_compiler.ex:198: anonymous fn/4 in Kernel.ParallelCompiler.spawn_workers/6

Oh well yeah, there is no need for a macro if a function will work ^^’

What you want is to return AST that contains the arg macro you’re trying to inject.

defmacro get_language_argument do
  quote do
      description: "A large description",
      default_value: :en

As far as the implied use case goes, unless it’s very common to request different fields in different languages I would consider setting a more global language flag in the context and just using that, instead of specifying it on every field.

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Oh… Stupid me… forgot the quoteing… That happens when one tries to answer from a computer that has no elixir availbe and is in a hurry…

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