How to downgrade to Phoenix 1.1.6

Hi. I am going through the book “Programming Phoenix”. I started getting some test failures around chapter 8. In researching, it seems the recommendation is to use Phoenix 1.1.6. So, I am attempting to downgrade, but have yet to get anything working again.

I downloaded Phoenix 1.1.6 from here

I renamed the file to just phoenix_new.ez.

I then tried the following (and other similar variations):

Craigs-MacBook-Pro~/code/elixir/phoenix % rm -rf ~/.mix/archives
Craigs-MacBook-Pro~/code/elixir/phoenix % mix local.hex        
Are you sure you want to install ""? [Yn] Y
* creating /Users/Ctreptow/.mix/archives/hex-0.18.1
Craigs-MacBook-Pro~/code/elixir/phoenix % mix archive.install ~/Downloads/phoenix_new.ez
Are you sure you want to install "/Users/Ctreptow/Downloads/phoenix_new.ez"? [Yn] Y
* creating /Users/Ctreptow/.mix/archives/phoenix_new-1.1.6
Craigs-MacBook-Pro~/code/elixir/phoenix % mix hello                         
** (Mix) Application name must start with a letter and have only lowercase letters, numbers and underscore, got: "hello". The application name is inferred from the path, if you'd like to explicitly name the application then use the `--app APP` option.

So far, nothing I’ve tried has allowed the generation of the hello app again. Is it something obvious that I missed?

You should probably not use Phoenix 1.1.6 if you’re just getting started.
The Programming Phoenix book is available in updated versions for 1.3 and the beta version for 1.4 is also available on The Pragmatic Bookshelf. A lot has changed between 1.1 and 1.3 - let alone 1.4 - so I’d say you’re certainly better off with a newer version.

You can try that phoenix 1.2.5

mix archive.install

Thanks for the advice. I decided to give it a go with the newest version of the book. Downloading now…

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