Let me define the problem first.
I have a jsonb database column called results in my Postgres DB. When I save a value (i.e 12\25) it saves like that in the DB.
{"attri": {"input": "12\\25"}}
Now I have a JSON string
"{ "custom_key": "@attri.input"}"
When I replace the above map values in this string I got the following results.
"{\"custom_key\": \"12\\25\"}"
All this is good and working as expected but when I try to decode this string into JSON
Like this Jason.decode("{\"custom_key\": \"12\\25\"}")
it gives me an error.
I also try to escape the value before replacing it in string and in that case, it gives me the following results.
"{ \"custom_key\": \"\"12\\\\25\"\"}"
And I am not able to parse this string into JSON as well.
Please let me know in case I am missing something here or you need any other clarification on the problem.
Forum tip: telling the reader “it gives me an error” is vastly less helpful than showing the reader the output of trying that:
iex(1)> Jason.decode("{\"custom_key\": \"12\\25\"}")
data: "{\"custom_key\": \"12\\25\"}",
position: 19,
token: nil
Printing the string involved makes it clearer what’s going on:
iex(2)> s = "{\"custom_key\": \"12\\25\"}"
"{\"custom_key\": \"12\\25\"}"
iex(3)> IO.puts s
{"custom_key": "12\25"}
So the JSON parser complains about the lone \
in the input.
In your second example, this happens:
iex(4)> s = "{ \"custom_key\": \"\"12\\\\25\"\"}"
"{ \"custom_key\": \"\"12\\\\25\"\"}"
iex(5)> Jason.decode(s)
data: "{ \"custom_key\": \"\"12\\\\25\"\"}",
position: 18,
token: nil
iex(6)> IO.puts s
{ "custom_key": ""12\\25""}
Now the extra "
s around 12\\25
throw the whole thing off.
My advice: don’t try to replace values in JSON by string-replacing the whole thing - parse the JSON, do the replacements there, then re-encode.