I’m wondering how I can retrieve an application’s version (as specified in its mix.exs
)? I’d like to have that value available for logging.
I’m wondering how I can retrieve an application’s version (as specified in its mix.exs
)? I’d like to have that value available for logging.
This can also be written as Application.spec(app_name, :vsn)
, slightly shorter and if you mistype the key you will get a FunctionClauseError
(could be better or worse depending on your use case)
I stumbled over this question while searching for a generic way to get app name and version for a container based build template.
You are able to get project information from your mix.exs
using Mix.Project.config()
which returns something like:
build_embedded: false,
build_per_environment: true,
build_scm: Mix.SCM.Path,
config_path: "config/config.exs",
consolidate_protocols: true,
default_task: "run",
deps_path: "deps",
erlc_paths: ["src"],
erlc_include_path: "include",
erlc_options: [],
lockfile: "mix.lock",
preferred_cli_env: [],
app: :my_shiny_app,
version: "0.1.0",
elixir: "~> 1.12",
elixirc_paths: ["lib"],
compilers: [:gettext, :yecc, :leex, :erlang, :elixir, :app],
start_permanent: false,
aliases: [
setup: ["deps.get"],
"assets.deploy": ["esbuild default --minify", "phx.digest"]
deps: [
{:phoenix, "~> 1.6.0-rc.0", [override: true]},
I use this to get necessary project information during the build process without the requirement of prefilling environment variables like APP_NAME
$ mix run --eval "Mix.Project.config()[:version] |> IO.puts()"
$ mix run --eval "Mix.Project.config()[:app] |> IO.puts()"