How to get windows installer which compiled with a newest otp?

Hi, I got a warning message from my vscode elixir-ls plugin:

Dialyzer in Erlang/OTP versions >= 21 requires Elixir to have been compiled with an Erlang/OTP version >= 20, but current Elixir was compiled with version 19

and I really using the newest version of windows installer download from the elixir-lang website.

Is somewhere else i can get the elixir compile with the lastest otp?

Sorry, but as far as I know, there is no windows installer available for anything but the oldest supported OTP version. You either need to downgrade erlang on the system to match the requirements of a working dialyzer or compile and install elixir from source.

@ericmj is bob responsible for the windows installers as well or how do those get built? Is it possible to teach bob building windows installers with current OTPs if it doesn’t do it already?

Our installer uses this list:

You can see that we simply leverage the Windows installers provided by the OTP team. So according to the above, @wardenlym should see Erlang/OTP 21.1 available for installation.

What he wants is an elixir compiled with a OTP 20 or newer, as he already has a current OTP.

Is this still the case? I am looking for Elixir for windows compiled with an OTP > 20.