I know in elixir data types are immutable. I have a column name failed_login_tries. which is integer and i want to increment it every time user put incorrect password. this is the code
defp check_chromatic_password(plaintext, %User{} = user) do
if Bcrypt.checkpw(plaintext, user.local_password_hash) do
{:ok, user}
{:error, :invalid_password}
You can change the user struct by using user = %{ user | failed_login_tries: user.failed_login_tries + 1} and to persist this in the database use Repo.update by passing it an updated ecto changeset. Immutability refers to the fact that the previous struct remains the same. e.g.
defmodule User do
defstruct [:email]
u1 = %User{email: "mujju"}
u2 = u1
u2 = %{u2 | email: "danny"}
# => %User{email: "mujju"}
# => %User{email: "danny"}
Just be aware that there is an inherent race condition with that approach: if the user fails auth in quick succession twice both may have the user record with the current count prior to either auth attempt, and so both will increment the old value by one and update the db with that, causing the N attempts to be counted as just 1!
The correct way to do this is in the database itself using a fragment as in:
Is there a “correct” way to update the timestamps() (:updated_at) when doing this? I mean I know I can add set: [updated_at: ....] to the query and pass the current time but that doesn’t seem “correct”.
Does it use the “elixir time” or the “database time” for this? If it uses “database time” then I’d need the same to pass to the set: [updated_at: <here>]. I am not yet the whole codebase savvy enough to quickly find and verify it in the source tree…