How to inject different config values inside of my app.js file for things like URLs?

When a user clicks on a button I want to redirect to a URL, but this URL has to be read from my config since it varies between DEV and PROD environments.

Is this possible to do with webpack somehow?

  window.location.href = 'http://localhost:4000/accounts/new';
  return false;

Can’t you use data-attributes to save the URL?


Oh I see what your saying, that’s one approach yes thanks.



It’s better than using window.location.href = ‘’;

Using replace() is better because it does not keep the originating page in the session history, meaning the user won’t get stuck in a never-ending back-button fiasco.

If you want to simulate someone clicking on a link, use window.location.href

If you want to simulate an HTTP redirect, use window.location.replace

You can use assign() and replace methods also to javascript redirect to other pages like the following:


The difference between replace() method and assign() method(), is that replace() removes the URL of the current document from the document history, means it is not possible to use the “back” button to navigate back to the original document. So Use the assign() method if you want to load a new document, andwant to give the option to navigate back to the original document.