I’m trying to build a knockoff implementation of Catan as a learning exercise.
My full codebase is here (it’s nowhere near functional yet, though it does render the demo board).
In it, I’ve got this HEEx template:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="board" style="/* overflow: visible; */ border: 2pt dotted red;" width="500" height="500">
<g class="layer_terrain">
<% terrain = @game.state.board.terrain; %>
<% jMax = Arrays.size(terrain) - 1; %>
<%= for {row, j} <- jMax..0 |> Stream.map(fn i -> {terrain[i], i} end) do %>
<% j_ = jMax - j; %>
<%= for {tile, i} <- Stream.with_index(row) |> Stream.filter(fn {x, _} -> not is_nil(x) end) do %>
<% coords = SettlersView.Util.calc_coords(:"point-top", :tile, i, j, j_); %>
<% classlist_loc = ["row-#{i}", "col-#{j}"]; %>
<% background_color = SettlersView.Util.lookup_tile_color(tile.type) %>
<circle cx={coords.x0} cy={coords.y0} r="48" fill={background_color} class={["terrain-background" | classlist_loc]} />
<%= if not is_nil(tile.yield) do %>
<circle cx={coords.x0} cy={coords.y0} r="16" fill={SettlersView.Util.lookup_tile_color(:_cardboard)} class={["terrain-yield-circle" | classlist_loc]} />
<text x={coords.x0} y={coords.y0} dominant-baseline="middle" text-anchor="middle" class={["terrain-yield-label" | classlist_loc]}><%= tile.yield %></text>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<g class="layer_structure">
<% %{tiles: tiles, edges: edges, intersections: intersections} = @game.state.board.structures; %>
<% jMax = Arrays.size(tiles) - 1; %>
<%= for {row, j} <- jMax..0 |> Stream.map(fn i -> {tiles[i], i} end) do %>
<% j_ = jMax - j; %>
<%= for {structures, i} <- Stream.with_index(row) do %>
<% coords = SettlersView.Util.calc_coords(:"point-top", :tile, i, j, j_); %>
<% classlist_loc = ["row-#{i}", "col-#{j}"]; %>
<%= for structure <- structures do %>
<%= case structure.type do %>
<% :robber -> %>
<text font-size="32" x={coords.x0 - 24} y={coords.y0 + 16} text-anchor="middle" >♟︎</text>
<% :merchant -> %>
<text font-size="32" x={coords.x0 + 24} y={coords.y0 + 16} text-anchor="middle" fill="purple" >♝︎</text>
<% _ -> %>
<text x={coords.x0 - 16} y={coords.y0} transform="rotate(-90)" transform-origin={"#{coords.x0 - 16} #{coords.y0}"} dominant-baseline="middle" text-anchor="middle" fill="magenta" class={["structure-debug" | classlist_loc]}><%= structure.type %></text>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% jMax = Arrays.size(edges) - 1; %>
<%= for {row, j} <- jMax..0 |> Stream.map(fn i -> {edges[i], i} end) do %>
<% j_ = jMax - j; %>
<%= for {positions, i} <- Stream.with_index(row) do %>
<%= for {structures, k} <- Stream.with_index(positions) do %>
<% coords = SettlersView.Util.calc_coords(:"point-top", :edge, i, j, j_, k); %>
<% classlist_loc = ["row-#{i}", "col-#{j}", "pos-#{k}"]; %>
<%= for structure <- structures do %>
<%= case structure.type do %>
<% :road -> %>
<% owner_color = @game.player_cosmetic[structure.owner].color; %>
<rect width="32" height="6" transform={"rotate(#{coords.rot})"} transform-origin={"#{coords.x0} #{coords.y0}"} x={coords.x0 - 32/2} y={coords.y0 - 6/2} dominant-baseline="middle" text-anchor="middle" fill={owner_color} class={["structure-road" | classlist_loc]} />
<% _ -> %>
<text x={coords.x0} y={coords.y0} transform={"rotate(#{coords.rot})"} transform-origin={"#{coords.x0} #{coords.y0}"} dominant-baseline="middle" text-anchor="middle" fill="magenta" class={["structure-debug" | classlist_loc]}><%= structure.type %></text>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% jMax = Arrays.size(intersections) - 1; %>
<%= for {row, j} <- jMax..0 |> Stream.map(fn i -> {intersections[i], i} end) do %>
<% j_ = jMax - j; %>
<%= for {positions, i} <- Stream.with_index(row) do %>
<%= for {structures, k} <- Stream.with_index(positions) do %>
<% coords = SettlersView.Util.calc_coords(:"point-top", :intersection, i, j, j_, k); %>
<% classlist_loc = ["row-#{i}", "col-#{j}", "pos-#{k}"]; %>
<%= for structure <- structures do %>
<%= case structure.type do %>
<% :settlement -> %>
<g transform={"translate(#{coords.x0} #{coords.y0})"} class={["structure-settlement" | classlist_loc]}>
<polygon fill={@game.player_cosmetic[structure.owner].color} points="0,-12.5 10,-2.5 10,10 -10,10 -10,-2.5" />
<% _ -> %>
<text x={coords.x0} y={coords.y0} dominant-baseline="middle" text-anchor="middle" fill="magenta" class={["structure-debug" | classlist_loc]}><%= structure.type %></text>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
I would like to make the viewBox
, width
, and height
attributes of the master SVG element a function of all the various coords
that are calculated during board creation, but I can’t see how to pull this off. Is this possible, or would trying to make a parent element depend on its child elements in this way create a “logical circle” that’s illegal for functional programming?