How to make Dialyzer output easier to read?

I am using the ElixirLS extension in Visual Studio Code.

The Dialyzer is very helpful in finding errors in my code, however it is extremely hard to parse its error messages.

For example, I was trying to generate a random date in the future doing:

NaiveDateTime.add(NaiveDateTime.utc_now(), Enum.random(4..10), :day)

The problem with the above code is :day is not a valid parameter to the NaiveDateTime.add method.

Here is what I get from ElixirLS:

The call 'Elixir.NaiveDateTime':add(#{'__struct__':='Elixir.NaiveDateTime', 'calendar':=atom(), 'day':=pos_integer(), 'hour':=non_neg_integer(), 'microsecond':={char(),0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6}, 'minute':=non_neg_integer(), 'month':=pos_integer(), 'second':=non_neg_integer(), 'year':=integer()},any(),'day') will never return since the success typing is (#{'calendar':=atom(), 'day':=_, 'hour':=_, 'microsecond':={_,_}, 'minute':=_, 'month':=_, 'second':=_, 'year':=_, _=>_},integer(),'microsecond' | 'millisecond' | 'nanosecond' | 'native' | 'second' | pos_integer()) -> #{'__struct__':='Elixir.NaiveDateTime', 'calendar':=atom(), 'day':=_, 'hour':=_, 'microsecond':={_,_}, 'minute':=_, 'month':=_, 'second':=_, 'year':=_} and the contract is ('Elixir.Calendar':naive_datetime(),integer(),'Elixir.System':time_unit()) -> t() ElixirLS Dialyzer

Is there a way to make this easier to read so I can quickly I identify that :day didn’t match 'Elixir.System':time_unit() ?

You can use one of dialyxirs release candidates and run mix dialyzer from the command line.

Currently none of the two LS forks is capable of turning the erlang syntax into elixir syntax.


Thanks! Looks like it may actually be coming to ElixirLS soon. He’s probably just waiting for the Dialyxir 1.0 release.

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