I am using Phoenix’s templating language with ~H
and I want to mark some checkboxes as checked depending on some condition.
To achieve this, I have this code:
defp syndicate_checkbox(assigns) do
assigns = Enum.into(assigns, %{})
if Map.get(assigns, :checked) do
<div class="row single-syndicate">
<input class="column single-checkbox" type="checkbox" id={}
name="syndicates[]" value={} checked>
<label for={} class="column"><%= %></label>
<div class="row single-syndicate">
<input class="column single-checkbox" type="checkbox" id={}
name="syndicates[]" value={}>
<label for={} class="column"><%= %></label>
Now, this function works but all the duplication leaves a terrible taste in my mouth.
Specifically because the only difference here is this 1 line:
<input class="column single-checkbox" type="checkbox" id={}
name="syndicates[]" value={} checked>
Namelly, the checked
Normally I would do something like:
<input class="column single-checkbox" type="checkbox" id={}
name="syndicates[]" value={} {mark_checked(true)}>
and somewhere in the same file:
defp mark_checked(true), do: "checked"
defp mark_checked(_), do: ""
However the issue with this is that "checked"
or ""
are strings, which means the code inside ~H
will not compile.
How do I remove this duplication?