How to "nil" check in html eex?

I am studying elixir and phoenix from Udemy course.

What I was trying to do is this,
User creates a new topic for discussion, and only user that creates topic can edit and delete them from indexi page.
So in index.html.eex

<ul class="collection">
  <%= for topic <- @topics do %>
   <li class="collection-item">
     <%= link topic.title, to: topic_path(@conn, :show, topic) %>

      **<% if == topic.user_id do %>**
        <div class="right">
           <%= link "Edit", to: topic_path(@conn, :edit, topic)%>
           <%= link "Delete", to: topic_path(@conn, :delete, topic), method: :delete %>
      <% end %>

  <% end %>

in topic controller

def index(conn, _params) do
    topics = Repo.all(Topic)
    render conn, "index.html", topics: topics

and I got

function is undefined or private

I think it is because of assigns.user is nil before sign in, in this line
So How can I solve this problem?

Thank you!


if @conn.assigns.user && == do

You can also create a method in your view module like:

def topic_owner?(%{id: id}, %{user_id: u_id}) do
    id == u_id

def topic_owner?(_, _), do: false

And then use it on your view templates as:

<%= if topic_owner?(@conn.assigns.user, topic) do %>


assigns is just a Map.

<% if (Map.hasKey? @conn.assigns, :user) && ( == topic.user_id) do %>

would test for the presence of the :user key first. Alternately

<% if (get_in @conn.assigns, [:user, :id]) == topic.user_id do %>

is probably preferable as Kernel.get_in/2 will simply return nil if it can’t navigate down the path.

Edit: but wrapping the whole thing in a well named function is always a good idea.

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I assume you are working on the Udemy course, because I am getting the same error.

I found this solution in the Q&A…

I had to change this line of code

<%= if == topic.user_id do %>

<%= if @conn.assigns.user != nil and == topic.user_id do %>


Would anyone know how this affects things/safety moving forward?

Hi, i was able to login by running the server and going to localhost:4000/auth/github.

Something like this might be the easiest solution.

<%= unless is_nil @conn.assigns.user and == topic.user_id  do %>
        <div class="right">
           <%= link "Edit", to: topic_path(@conn, :edit, topic)%>
           <%= link "Delete", to: topic_path(@conn, :delete, topic), method: :delete %>
<% end %>
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<%= if @conn[:assigns][:user][:id] == topic.user_id do %>
<% end %>

This uses the fact, that nil[:foo] will return nil.

But to be honest, I’d create a helper function current_user which does exactly that, return either the currently logged in user or a value signaling that no user is currently logged in.

Its not that you have less to type, but its easier to read…