If we look at push_navigate
and redirect
they both attach a redirected command tuple
to the socket:
def push_navigate(%Socket{} = socket, opts) do
opts = push_opts!(opts, "push_navigate/2")
put_redirect(socket, {:live, :redirect, opts})
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def redirect(%Socket{} = socket, to: url) do
validate_local_url!(url, "redirect/2")
put_redirect(socket, {:redirect, %{to: url}})
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via put_redirect
defp put_redirect(%Socket{redirected: nil} = socket, command) do
%Socket{socket | redirected: command}
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I think this should then pass into handle_changed
in channel.ex
defp handle_changed(state, %Socket{} = new_socket, ref, pending_live_patch \\ nil) do
new_state = %{state | socket: new_socket}
case maybe_diff(new_state, false) do
{:diff, diff, new_state} ->
|> push_live_patch(pending_live_patch)
|> push_diff(diff, ref)}
result ->
handle_redirect(new_state, result, Utils.changed_flash(new_socket), ref)
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where maybe_diff
does a small check if there is a redirected command:
defp maybe_diff(%{socket: socket} = state, force?) do
socket.redirected || render_diff(state, socket, force?)
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So we should kick down to handle_redirect
with the command. In both cases we copy the flash and then call push_redirect
or push_live_redirect
{:redirect, %{to: _to} = opts} ->
opts = copy_flash(new_state, flash, opts)
|> push_redirect(opts, ref)
|> stop_shutdown_redirect(:redirect, opts)
{:live, :redirect, %{to: _to} = opts} ->
opts = copy_flash(new_state, flash, opts)
|> push_live_redirect(opts, ref, pending_diff_ack)
|> stop_shutdown_redirect(:live_redirect, opts)
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Push redirect and push_live_redirect kick out to the JS client with a different key:
defp push_redirect(state, opts, nil = _ref) do
push(state, "redirect", opts)
defp push_redirect(state, opts, ref) do
reply(state, ref, :ok, %{redirect: opts})
defp push_live_redirect(state, opts, nil = _ref, {_diff, ack_ref}) do
reply(state, ack_ref, :ok, %{live_redirect: opts})
defp push_live_redirect(state, opts, nil = _ref, _pending_diff_ack) do
push(state, "live_redirect", opts)
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If we look around the JS, the redirect handlers are very similar, but…
Since we cross the session boundary, we get forcibly dropped as we’d expect (and want!) but this means the “fall back to page request” is a new one without the flash copied over, vs redirect
where we intentionally attach some flash data and reload the whole page, which may “cross a session boundary” but since it’s not navigation inside the session, it doesn’t hit the same check and the flash is retained