How to retrieve zip files from one folder and extract their contents to another folder?


I am new to Elixir programming.
I’m attempting to retrieve zip files from one folder and extract their contents to another folder.
Although the code compiles without issues, I encounter the following error when executing it:

Failed to extract because of {:EXIT, {{:badmatch, “” …

Here is a part of the code :

for zip_file <-!(".") |> Enum.filter(&String.ends_with?(&1, ".zip")) do
       case :zip.unzip(zip_file, [{:cwd, "."}]) do
        {:ok, extracted_files} ->
          # Filter for files with ".dcm" extension
          dcm_files = Enum.filter(extracted_files, &String.ends_with?(&1, ".dcm"))

Thank you for your help

For starters, I’d add an error clause to the case so I get to see the error.

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Hello and welcome

You could use…

Path.wildcard "*.zip"

Commands that start with :atom are generally from Erlang.

Erlang uses charlists while Elixir uses binaries… that should work

:zip.unzip(to_charlist(zip_file), [{:cwd, "."}])

# Or the Elixir way...

|> to_charlist()
|> :zip.unzip([{:cwd, "."}])
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Thank you very much for your help.
I appreciate.