How to return a value in this recursive function?


I have a Zipper tree and try to label (with integers) the nodes in pre-order.

When the function detects state == index it continues processing

instead stopping the processing and return the state value.

See this code:

  def find_node( nil, _, _), do: nil
  def find_node(_ , state), do: {:ok, state}
  def find_node(node, index, counter) do
       v = value(node)

       Agent.update(counter, fn x -> x + 1 end )
       state = Agent.get(counter, &(&1))
       if index == state do
       #At his point the function should stop and return with 
       #the state equal to index
       find_node(left(  node), index, counter)
       find_node(right( node), index, counter)

You can’t do an »early return« in Elixir. You will need to use case, cond or with instead. There is a very helpful guide on the Elixir website about case, cond and if and also a good section about with.

Note that the way you’ve set up the function right now, will also not work with your two find_node/3 calls. The result of the first find_node will simply be discarded.

So maybe you should do something like this instead:

if index == state do
  with nil <- find_node(left(node), index, counter) do
    find_node(right(node), index, counter)

Like this, the function will return index if index == state. If it finds a node on the left side, it will return that, otherwise it will return the result of the find_node call for the right side.

Actually that’s not entirely accurate (even though in principle with “return” you are correct). The problem is that other programming languages have put a bias in peoples minds that throw is an error mechanism - well in Erlang/Elixir it isn’t - throw simply allows the function to “throw” (rather than “return”) a value up in the air and float it up the calling chain to however will bother to “catch” it. That’s why there are three different “catch” classes/categories:

  • :error - runtime errors which in Elixir can also be handled via rescue
  • :exit - to catch exits, i.e. exit(reason) from within the process (being a target of Process.exit cannot be “caught” - you have to trap exits (with Process.flag(:trap_exit,true)) and process :EXIT messages). These should be treated as the true exceptions in Elixir/Erlang.
  • values which are simply “thrown”.

Learn You Some Erlang shows a non-failure use case of throw - an example of a tree search implementation which throws the found value back to the root call of the search where the thrown value is caught.


As an aside, why are you using the agent like a mutable variable? just keep the counter as a function argument, using Agents as mutable state in this way is a misuse of Agents.


Instead of requiring the use of an ‘early return’, you can just return from your recursion here without problems.

Something like:

# Public API: Returns {:ok, value_of_node_at_target_index} or {:error, index}.
def find_node(zipper_tree, target_index), do: find_node(zipper_tree, target_index, 0)

# Base case: Empty (sub)tree
defp find_node(nil, target_index, current_index), do: {:error, current_index}

# Recursive case: Try current node, or left subtree, or right subtree.
defp find_node(zipper_tree, target_index, current_index) do
  if target_index == current_index
    {:ok, value(zipper_tree)}
    with {:error, left_child_index}  <- find_node(left(zipper_tree),  index, current_index + 1)),
         do:  find_node(right(zipper_tree), index, left_child_index + 1))

Other notes:

  • What are the first two function clauses in your example code for? At least the second one only takes two parameters and not three.
  • Either use some_value | nil or {:ok, value} | {:error, error_msg} as return values, but mixing them is probably not such a good idea as it is less explicit in what is going on.
  • You really do not need an agent here, if you just thread the index you are currently looking at to the recursive function calls (which my code example shows).
  • Just try the current index or otherwise the first non-error child tree.

Hi guys,

Many thanks for your help!!!

I agree the second clause is wrong.

My problem is to replace a random selected subtree from tree A with a random selected subtree from tree B. Each tree is a expression. One (sub)criteria was that only branch nodes, determined by a logical or arithmetic operator, should be selected. But there could be a number of the same operators (e.g. and, and, +, +, +, *, *, etc.) in the tree! To select (random) one of them I had to use a target_index. I agree, it is a trick.

Here you find the adapted code which give the required index and the subtree.

  def find_node( nil, _, _), do: nil

  def find_node(node, index, counter) do
       v = value(node)
       Agent.update(counter, fn x -> x + 1 end )
       state = Agent.get(counter, &(&1))

       if index == state do
          {index, node.focus}
         with  nil <- find_node(left(node), index, counter) do
           find_node(right(node), index, counter)
  test "Find target_index N in zipper" do
   root = t11() |> from_tree
   {:ok, counter} = Agent.start(fn -> 0 end )
   target_index = 8
   {current_index, focus } = find_node(root,target_index,counter)
   assert current_index == target_index
  test "Find node.focus in zipper" do
   root = t11() |> from_tree
   {:ok, counter} = Agent.start(fn -> 0 end )
   target_index    = 8
   {current_index, focus } = find_node(root,target_index,counter)
  assert  focus  ==  %BinTree{left: %BinTree{left: nil, right: nil, value: 3},
 right: %BinTree{left: nil, right: nil, value: "c"}, value: "*"}

Many thanks for your help,

Thiel Chang

Hi Phillipp,

Many thanks for your help. I implemented the solution and it worked; of
course -:slight_smile: