I’m brand new to Phoenix and I have stripped one of the demo applications to the bone. I just want to get an svg up on the screen. Here is what my /web/templates/page/index.html.eex looks like:
<div class=whitext>
<h2><%= gettext ">>> %{name}", name: "CRVM" %></h2>
<p> A new perspective on fixed income relative value.</p>
<p> hello </p>
<img src="/web/static/assets/images/crvmlogowhite.svg"/>
But nothing is showing up (though “hello” is). So a) what is the canonical way of putting an image onto a page in Elixir, and b) if the above is okay, how is the image referenced? By the way I have tried multiple versions of the path. If I use it as a css background then url("/images/crvmlogowhite.svg") does work.
Your static assets can be served by using the static_path routes. You’ll want to use src instead of source attribute for the file source for your image. But here’s how it should look:
Keep in mind with the default configuration of brunch, your asset files are copied to priv/static/ and are served from there. Your endpoint.ex file defines what static files should be served from that directory.
Everything under priv/static is served from /. To link to priv/static/images/photo.jpg in CSS you write url(/images/photo.jpg).
You don’t need to use static_path obligatory. If you are configuring to serve assets from a CDN, then yes, you would need to simplify the development process.