How to set new tab/window on the "link" in phoenix?

I want if some click on my “link” then it should open in a new tab/window. Here is my link-

<%= link("Candidate's Detail", to: Routes.job_open_path(@conn, :show,, method: :get)%>

Your response will be highly appreciable.

You can add a target: “_blank” option to the link tag, as below ( I splitted it in rows for better visibility)

<%= link("Candidate's Detail",
          to: Routes.job_open_path(@conn, :show,,
          method: :get,
          target: "_blank") %>



Thanks bro.

ur welcome bro :slight_smile:

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For security reasons, you should also add rel="noopener". To protect user’s privacy you could also add rel="noreferrer". So the full example would be:

<%= link("Candidate's Detail",
          to: Routes.job_open_path(@conn, :show,,
          method: :get,
          target: "_blank",
          rel: "noopener noreferrer") %>

Thank you @michallepicki. I just learned about the target=“_blank” vulnerability, well… better late than ever! :slight_smile:

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