How to store state in module?

So, I’m building an SMTP client that I’d like to be able to be called from different processes and have different state for each process. The SMTP client needs to track for example if the HELO command has been used or not. How do I handle state?

My current code is this:

defmodule Client do
  @moduledoc """
  Documentation for `Smtpclient`.

  use Agent

  def start_link(_opts) do
    Agent.start_link(fn -> %{} end, name: __MODULE__)

  def connect(pid, tld) do
      set_value(pid, "tld", tld)
      {:ok, records} = DNS.resolve(tld, :mx)
      Enum.sort_by(records, fn(r) -> elem(r, 0) end)
      sock = do_connect(records, 0)
      set_socket(pid, sock)
      set_value(pid, "hostname", tld)
      {:ok, sock}

  @spec helo(any) :: any
  def helo(pid) do
      already_helloed = get_value(pid, "already_helloed")
      if already_helloed do # if already helloed return early
        {:error, "already helloed"}
      sock = get_socket(pid)
      tld = get_value(pid, "tld")
      sock |> Socket.Stream.send!("HELO #{tld}")
      set_value(pid, "already_helloed", true)
      sock |> Socket.Stream.recv!

  def noop(pid) do
    try do
      sock = get_socket(pid)
      sock |> Socket.Stream.send!("NOOP")
      sock |> Socket.Stream.recv!
      Socker.Error -> {:error, :no_connection}

  def quit(sock) do
      try do
        sock |> Socket.Stream.send!("QUIT")
        sock |> Socket.Stream.recv!
        sock |> Socket.close!()
        Socket.Error -> {:error, "something is wrong"}

  def rctp_to(pid, email) do
    try do
      sock = get_socket(pid)
      sock |> Socket.Stream.send!("RCPT_TO #{email}")
      sock |> Socket.Stream.recv!
      Socker.Error -> {:error, "something is wrong"}

  defp set_socket(pid, sock) do
    Agent.update(pid, &Map.put(&1, "socket", sock))

  defp get_socket(pid) do
    Agent.get(pid, &Map.get(&1, "socket"))

  defp set_value(pid, key, value) do
    Agent.update(pid, &Map.put(&1, key, value))

  defp get_value(pid, key) do
    Agent.get(pid, &Map.get(&1, key))

  defp do_connect(hostnames, i) do
    try do
      host = elem(, i), 1)
      Socket.TCP.connect!(to_string(host), 25, packet: :line)
        Socket.Error ->
          if, i) == nil do
            {:error, "all mx servers down"}
          do_connect(hostnames, i + 1)

You probably should use :gen_statem if you want state machine. It will make a lot of stuff much easier. Additionally if you want SMTP client/server then there is already implementation of that in Erlang

You can use that either as an implementation or as inspiration.

I find :gen_statem very hard to understand. I prefer functional fsm with the state in map/struct and pattern matching in multiclauses as handlers. Also because fsm can become hard to test if they have side effects (like timeouts) I think its worth to think about how to make them as pure as possible.

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I think there are two “default” ways to handle state (and a lot more specific ones):

  • Store them in the client process
  • Store them in a dedicated process

Because Elixir is really good with processes people sometimes expect everything they code to do “process-y” stuff. But if you can, i think, it is recommended to start simple and do not introduce processes if you don’t need to. Your first sentence makes me think, that might work for you.

As an example: You have a module TodoList with a function add/1 that adds one item to the list. You might think “How / Where do i keep that list, so calling add/1 three times keeps all the old entries still there?” The easiest answer is "Just return the data to the caller and let them keep the state around! So instead of

defmodule TodoList do
  def add(item) do
    # Where does before come from?!
    [ item | before ]

you use

defmodule TodoList do
  def add(state, item) do
    # renamed "before" to "state", so the
    # concept hopefully becomes clearer
    [ item | state ]

so the caller of your client keeps the state around and hands it to you for you to work on it.


I might be wrong but the SMTP client requires a relay. I want a client that can delivery without a relay.

SMTP Relay for client is just an regular SMTP Server. So if you can deliver via relay then you can deliver directly (as soon as you can do so in a way that will not cause your email to be rejected/marked as spam automatically).