How to take list of list as input from form?

I followed some online tutorials and got template code for taking list of list as input. I am using input helpers to create array of input field and added some code to parse form in controller. Currently my code looks like:

  <div class="form-group">

    <%= inputs_for f, :topics, fn tf -> %>

      <%= label tf, :name, class: "control-label" %>

      <%= array_input tf, :name %>

      <%= error_tag tf, :name %>

      <%= inputs_for tf, :links, fn lf -> %>

        <%= label lf, :url, class: "control-label" %>

        <%= array_input lf, :url %>

        <%= error_tag lf, :url %>

      <%= array_add_button f, :url %>

      <% end %>

      <%= array_add_button f, :name %>

    <% end %>


Each topic has a name and a list of links and each link has a url. My input_helper looks like this:

def array_input(form, field) do

    values = Phoenix.HTML.Form.input_value(form, field) || [""]

    id = Phoenix.HTML.Form.input_id(form, field)

    type = Phoenix.HTML.Form.input_type(form, field)

    content_tag :ol, id: container_id(id), class: "input_container", data: [index: Enum.count(values) ] do


        |> Enum.with_index()

        |> {value, index} ->

            new_id = id <> "_#{index}"

            input_opts = [

                name: Phoenix.HTML.Form.input_name(form, field),

                value: value,

                id: new_id,

                class: "form-control"


            form_element(form, field, value, index)




def form_element(form, field, value, index) do

    type = Phoenix.HTML.Form.input_type(form, field)

    id = Phoenix.HTML.Form.input_id(form, field)

    name = Phoenix.HTML.Form.input_name(form, field)

    new_id = id <> "_#{index}"

    input_opts = [

        name: name,

        value: value,

        id: new_id,

        class: "form-control"


    content_tag :li do


        apply(Phoenix.HTML.Form, type, [form, field, input_opts]),

        link("Remove", to: "#", data: [id: new_id], title: "Remove", class: "remove-form-field")




def array_add_button(form, field) do

    id = Phoenix.HTML.Form.input_id(form, field)

    content = form_element(form, field, "", "__name__")

        |> safe_to_string

    data = [

        prototype: content,

        container: container_id(id)


    link("Add", to: "#", data: data, class: "add-form-field")


def container_id(id), do: id <> "_container"

Currently link is not nested inside topic in frontend and also add and remove button does not work properly. Do I need to create list of list in input_helper.ex itself ? Formex sounds good but I don’t want to add complexity as I am new to phoenix and web development as well.