By following tutorials, I have already managed to set up “Presence” with liveview and track visitors who go to the home page.
defmodule NovySite.HomeLive.Index do
@moduledoc false
use NovySite, :live_view
alias NovyAdmin.Presence
@presence_guest "users:guest"
@impl true
def mount(_params, session, socket) do
if connected?(socket) do
{:ok, _} = Presence.track(self(), @presence_guest, UUID.uuid4(), %{})
socket = assign_defaults(session, socket)
{:ok, socket}
But when they change page (ex: contact page), presence no longer tracks them. On my contact page I didn’t put the code to track visitors so that’s normal I think.
defmodule NovySite.ContactLive.Index do
@moduledoc false
use NovySite, :live_view
@impl true
def mount(_params, session, socket) do
socket = assign_defaults(session, socket)
{:ok, socket}
But I would like to track them on ALL the pages of my site. I have the impression that adding the piece of code of track on all page is not the right solution because at each change of page the track stops then restarts.
Is there a place where we can put “global” code for liveview? Or maybe I don’t take it the right way at all.
Sorry for my bad English :3