How to update the value of nested assigns - LiveView

I’m trying to use nested assigns but cannot find a way to update its values…
Imagine I have this:

def mount(socket) do
    socket = assign(socket, state: [value1: "20", value2: "50"])
    {:ok, socket} 

How do I update the value here?

def handle_event("dec", _params, socket) do
    socket = assign(socket, state[:value1], "1")
    {:noreply, socket}

How do I reference/represent that nested key?

Make use of the update function and Keyword functions since your :state assign is a keyword list. Example:

def handle_event("dec", _params, socket) do
    socket = update(socket, :state, fn state -> Keyword.put(state, :value1, "1"))
    {:noreply, socket}

I think you miss the end terminator on the anonymous function :slight_smile: