How to use Distinct, Select, and Where in Ecto query?

I’m trying to create a simple query to select distinct values from a column. If I only use select and distinct I get back a list of unique values.

|> select([u], u.group_id)
|> distinct(true)
|> Repo.all()

Which gives me back a list of ids as expected:

[42, 43, nil]

However, when I add a where clause to exclude the nil value I get back a different result.

|> where([u], not is_nil(u.group_id))
|> select([u], u.group_id)
|> distinct(true)
|> Repo.all()

This returns the value:


I would have expected the query to return of a list of integers without a nil value. When I run the generated raw SQL in psql I get back the list as expected.

How can I get back a list of distinct group_ids that does not include the nil value?

You’ve hit the charlist problem. Print your result with:

IO.inspect(result, charlists: :as_lists)

What you’re getting is a list of 2 integers. But they both happen to be printable ascii characters, which is how erlang represents strings. The single quotes are one hint.

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Don’t worry, this happens to everybody at some point. Erlang has been around quite a while and charlists will keep rearing their bizarre head.

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Jeez, that’s twice now that I’ve been burned. Hopefully that’s the last time. Thank you!

You wait till you get burned with strange binaries. :grinning: They are both the case of not really having strings and using other datatypes to implement them.


Ha. I’ve seen simple binaries that look strange to me. Binaries are like, number two on my list of Elixir topics to learn next.