How to use embeds_many with schemaless changeset?

I have this schemaless changeset fields

data  = %{}
types = %{name: :string, email: :string, age: :integer}
params = %{name: "Callum", email: "", age: 27}
changeset =
  {data, types}
  |> Ecto.Changeset.cast(params, Map.keys(types))
  |> Ecto.Changeset.validate_required(...)

but also want to add dynamic embedded relations

   embeds_many :response_1, Jsonb, on_replace: :delete do
      field :order, :integer
      field :text, :string

   embeds_many :response_2, Jsonb, on_replace: :delete do
      field :order, :integer
      field :text, :string

   embeds_many :response_3, Jsonb, on_replace: :delete do
      field :order, :integer
      field :text, :string

As you noticed the embed :response_x is dynamic (it grow or shrink) and I don’t want to hardcode these embedded relations. I need find a way to just enum the responses and build these relationships at the same time be able to cast them using cast_embed.

Any idea is greatly appreciated!