I want to use just the Heex → HTML rendering capabilities of Phoenix without hosting a web framework: why? I’m prepping for the upcoming Advent of Code and I want to build generate a table of my current progress daily as I solve puzzles. I tried using just phoenix_view
but ran into issues (the docs aren’t extremely clear on how to use it in isolation). I tried copying some of the setup for Phoenix from a full Phoenix app, but I’m running into issues with modules not existing (e.g., Phoenix.Components, Phoenix.HTML, etc). Has anyone done this before? Is this possible?
{:phoenix_live_view, "~> 0.20.17"}
defmodule TryHeex do
import Phoenix.Component, only: [sigil_H: 2]
def some_func() do
# Else you get error: (RuntimeError) ~H requires a variable named "assigns" to exist and be set to a map
assigns = %{count: 0}
heex = ~H"""
<span> <%= @count %> </span>
|> Phoenix.HTML.Safe.to_iodata()
|> IO.iodata_to_binary()
def another_func(assigns) do
My name is: <%= @name %>
TryHeex.some_func() |> IO.puts(). # 1
TryHeex.another_func(%{name: "Joe"}) |> IO.inspect() # 2
<span> 0 </span>
static: ["My name is: ", ""],
dynamic: #Function<0.77328309/1 in TryHeex.another_func/1>,
fingerprint: 311051699949584893410985016783227165041,
root: false,
caller: :not_available
You only need phoenix_live_view
to render HEEx as mentioned above, but if you want an easy way to get all of the necessary deps to use Phoenix without mix phx.new
, you can also check out the recently-announced Phoenix Playground:
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This works perfectly, thanks for sharing!
Appreciate the share. I’ll give this a look!
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