How to verify signature used with EdDsa(ed25519)?

Hi I am trying to verify webhook payloads.

message is Base.encode64 message
public_key is plain text

:crypto.verify(:ed25519, :none, message, signature, public_key)

But got an error

(ArgumentError) argument error
    (crypto 5.0.6) :crypto.pkey_verify_nif
(crypto 5.0.6) crypto.erl:1467: :crypto.verify/6

Current version

Erlang/OTP 24 [erts-12.3.2] [source] [64-bit] [smp:10:10] [ds:10:10:10] [async-threads:1]

Elixir 1.13.0 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 23)
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You should do
:crypto.verify(:eddsa, :sha512, message, signature, [public_key, :ed25519])

:crypto.verify(:eddsa, :sha512, message, signature, [public_key, :ed25519])

Yes, I tried. also but doesn’t work.

I was looking into this yesterday and wrote the following down in my notes. I haven’t had a chance to try it yet, so YMMV:

  {:ed_pub, :ed52219, pub_key}

I believe this requires OTP 24+.

I think it’s halfway between your attempts. It’s been a while since I’ve attempted this, but it looks like what I got to work was this:

:crypto.verify(:eddsa, :none, message, signature, [public_key, :ed25519])

Is this because public key format is not in binary? like <<161, 106, 13, 138, 39, 222, 65, 139, 90, 1, 98, 233, 100, 168, 27, 127, 127...>>?
My key is just plain text like “FD2432423423sdf”

I’m using this way in production without problem. But yes the key is in binary form.

Actually message is json encoded message like


that is including \ escape character.
I wonder if this json encoded message is different from raw json message(without backslach) when I verify it.

But in this thread, other says it doesn’t matter.