HTTPoison TLSv1.3 CHACHA20-POLY1305 issue: {:error, %HTTPoison.Error{reason: :timeout, id: nil}}


Somehow I have a Problem. If I send a HTTPoison GET request against a webpage using the AEAD-CHACHA20-POLY1305-SHA256 encryption I get an timeout.

Somehow not even an handshake issue.

The code i tried

    defaults = :ssl.cipher_suites(:default, :"tlsv1.2")

    rsa_kx =
      :ssl.cipher_suites(:all, :"tlsv1.2")
      |> :ssl.filter_cipher_suites(
        key_exchange: &(&1 == :rsa),
        cipher: &(&1 in [:aes_128_cbc, :aes_128_gcm, :aes_256_cbc, :aes_256_gcm])

    options = [
      ssl: [ciphers: defaults ++ rsa_kx],
      timeout: 5_000,
      recv_timeout: 5_000,
      log_level: :debug

      res = HTTPoison.get("url", headers, options)
    defaults = :ssl.cipher_suites(:default, :"tlsv1.2") # (tried also with 1.3)

    rsa_kx =
      :ssl.cipher_suites(:all, :"tlsv1.2") # (tried also with 1.3)

    options = [
      ssl: [ciphers: defaults ++ rsa_kx],
      timeout: 5_000,
      recv_timeout: 5_000,
      log_level: :debug

      res = HTTPoison.get("url", headers, options)

and also tried the plain request without any changes. All dont work

somehow if i curl the url, all went fine, also if i use the fetch of nodejs.

now I am super stuck and have no clue how to continue. It could be the encryption or something else, but everything else i tried didnt change anything.
The headers are exactly the same
The httpoison resonse is:

{:error, %HTTPoison.Error{reason: :timeout, id: nil}}

Anything i could try or i miss? shouldnt the encryption already work?

with the tlsv1.3 at least it seems like the encryption should be included

if i add :hackney_trace.enable(:max, :io) i see

#{mac => aead,key_exchange => dhe_rsa,
                                  cipher => chacha20_poly1305,prf => sha256},

in the list of {ciphers,
but still timeout :confused:

seems not to be the encryption. Found another page with the same encryption, that just works fine :smiley:

Ok, now I am super confused.

I exchanged HTTPoison with Req (Req — req v0.4.11) and it just responds fine.

Unfortunately I cannot share the url I am testing it against. But this feels off. I set the same headers.
Is there anything I am doing wrong?

Update, wrote a script to test it:

#!/usr/bin/env elixir

Mix.install([:req, :httpoison])

headers = [
   "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"}

url = "https://the url"

# works just fine
Req.get!(url, [{:headers, headers}])
|> IO.inspect()

# timeout
HTTPoison.get!(url, headers, [])
|> IO.inspect()