I want to teach some Elixir. Any volunteers to be taught?

I’m new here.
I regularly contribute to the weekly cucumber bdd ensemble programming group for over a year.

I am a huge proponent of pair / mob programming.
I also host my own internet services.
I’m happy to participate in English, Spanish, or French.

This is a brilliant post.

I humbly suggest improving some existing project, or porting some useful tool from another environment because it advances the maturity of elixir.

I have experience with Python Sphinx (readthedocs.io) and seen the benefits of doc automation.

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This sound promising. I’ll send you my contacts in a PM so we could arange a call.

Apologies for the delay. Had some personal family health things come up that’s taken my mental bandwidth! I’ll send you a PM.

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I like this idea as well.

No problem. I’ll send you my contacts in PM.


If you are still offering, id be interested! It would be great experience for me.