Incorrect dialyzer warning with defguard


I am playing around with defguard in macro I am defining. The macro has an opaque type and I think dialyzer is having issues with this:


defmodule NewType do

  defmacro deftype(name, type) do
    quote do
      defmodule unquote(name) do
        @opaque t :: {unquote(name), unquote(type)}

        @spec new(value :: unquote(type)) :: t
        def new(value) when is_binary(value), do: {unquote(name), value}

        @spec extract(new_type :: t) :: unquote(type)
        def extract({unquote(name), value}), do: value

  defguard is_type?(value, mod)
           when is_tuple(value) and
                  elem(value, 0) == mod and is_binary(elem(value, 1))

In theory, an invocation of deftype Name, String.t() would generate:

defmodule Name do
   @opaque t :: {Name, String.t}

  @spec new(value :: String.t()) :: t
  def new(value) when is_binary(value), do: {Name, value}

  @spec extract(new_type :: t) :: String.t()
  def extract({Name, value}), do: value

And in fact, this code works as intended:

type.ex (module where I define several types)

defmodule Type do
  import NewType
  deftype Name, String.t()


defmodule Test do
  alias Type.Name

  @spec print(Name.t()) :: binary
  def print(name), do: Name.extract(name)


The problem arises when I try to use the guard:


defmodule Test do
  import NewType
  alias Type.Name

  @spec print(Name.t()) :: binary
  def print(name) when is_type?(name, Name), do: Name.extract(name)

Everything runs as expected, but dialyzer does not see it the same way:

Function print/1 has no local return.
Function call without opaqueness type mismatch.

Call does not have expected opaque term of type Type.Name.t() in the 1st position.

Type.Name.extract(_name :: tuple())

done (warnings were emitted)
Halting VM with exit status 2

Even though Name.extract does receive a Name.t as a parameter, dialyzer states otherwise.
At this point, I think this might be because I am “exposing” the internal data structure in the guard with is_tuple, but at the same time, I don’t see how else I can have defguard and still use opaque types.


Am I missing something?

Dialyzer ignores the spec of Test.print/1, when it has other ways to infer the type of the argument. Due to the use of the is_type?/1 guard, dialyzer infers that the type has to be tuple(). tuple() is not Name.t().

If you deal with opaque types, you can not manually create them, you can not destructure them, you can not use them in guards. You have to pass them around as they are. Only functions in Name are allowed to access its internals.

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