Initialising Ecto repo from DB SmartCell in LiveBook?

I have a LiveBook where I’m connecting to a SQLite db as follows (clearing the db each time and starting fresh is intentional):

# Database setup and migration
db_path = "./path/to/dev_db.db"
db_config = [
  database: db_path,
  pool_size: 10,
  stacktrace: true,
  show_sensitive_data_on_connection_error: true

# Stop the existing Repo if it's running
if Process.whereis(Repo) do
  :timer.sleep(100)  # Give it some time to shut down completely

# Delete the existing database file

# Start the Repo with the new database
{:ok, _} = Repo.start_link(db_config)

This works well and Ecto can be used normally.

Is there some way to replicate this with the Kino_db smartcell? I’d like to be able to use the SQL Query smartcell, which requires that the database connection was made with a smartcell too.

Where I’m getting stuck is trying to replicate the {:ok, _} = Repo.start_link(db_config) part to connect Ecto with the database process; start_link/0 wants to start a new process and I can’t see any alternative to use an existing process.

Is there a way to get Ecto to connect to the existing process created by the smartcell?