Hi! I’m building a Fixture module for testing in a Phoenix 1.3 app with contexts.
How do you generally handle fixture insertion in this case? :
- Through contexts functions as much as possible, as they’re probably already there (Accounts.create_user, Accounts.create_team, etc)?
- Directly with schemas changesets and bang Repo functions (Repo.insert!, etc)?
- Without changesets / pure SQL?
I like having fixture insertion to raise if something goes wrong (with Repo.insert! with the bang).
If you prefer inserting fixture through context functions, do you duplicate Accounts.create_team
and create a bang version Accounts.create_team!
There could be a lot of duplicated code just to have the bang version.
Small example:
defmodule MyApp.Accounts do
def create_organization(attrs \\ %{}) do
|> Organization.changeset(attrs)
|> Repo.insert()
# Bang version, duplicated code
def create_organization!(attrs \\ %{}) do
|> Organization.changeset(attrs)
|> Repo.insert!()
defmodule MyApp.Fixture do
@organization %{
name: "Pied Piper"
def insert_organization(attrs \\ %{}) do
Map.merge(@organization, attrs)
|> MyApp.Accounts.create_organization!() # bang version used here