Are there any libraries that can help in creating interactive demos using sample data in Phoenix applications in a guided tutorial format.
Many thanks.
Are there any libraries that can help in creating interactive demos using sample data in Phoenix applications in a guided tutorial format.
Many thanks.
Can You specify what interactive demos means?
Hello, i specifically refer to those tutorials that guide first-time users through an app. Like pulsating circles and modals that guide them through the features of the application and a walk-through involving sample data.
Those looks like frontend eye candy…
You might look at some demos done with Liveview, although the thread is quite old…
… or try this kanban demo made with Liveview.
Somehow I think Phoenix really shines on the backend side, but can render complex and reactive UI with Liveview.
The process you are describing is usually known by Onboarding a user.
I have no idea about a library to do that, and Onboarding is a very specific think from app to app, thus I think you shoul give instead a look to something like alpine.js:
This will make you to be able to create effortless some modals, but you then need to use a cookie or save into the database that user already made the onboarding and not show it again.